Who has had the longest recovery from a Lap RNY and how are you doing?

I am 32 yrs. old and my mother is freaking out. She is so scared that 10 yrs. from now I am going to regret this. Is there anyone that can give me an idea of how your dealing with this long after the Lap RNY is done?    — Wendy G. (posted on February 12, 2002)

February 12, 2002
I didn't have Lap RNY, I had a RNY proximal January 8, 2001; however, I know exactly what you mean about your mother freaking you out--I was 54 then and she was ANGRY as heck at me for having this operation. I've lost 102 lbs. & hope to lose another 30. She thought I'd waste away and never stop losing weight and just die. Of course, I didn't help matters much when I told her I'd almost rather die than continue like I was...she got angry again. hahahaha I guess no matter how old we get, we'll always be "kids" to our mothers. Mom has come to accept my operation now that she sees I'm not dying from it, but am now healthier and happier. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

February 12, 2002
I had open RNY on 1-24-01. My mother and everyone in the family was so upset that I was going to have the surgery. But I'm the one who had to deal with the wt. and health problems. Now in has been 1 yr and everyone is so happy that I had it done. I'm now at mt goal wt of 135. I started at 241. I feel great and look great I might add. Your mother will get over it. i am also 42 now and was 41 at time of surgery. I'm now wearing a size 9. Do what you have to for you. Good Luck
   — Debbie G.

February 15, 2002
My mother is also freaking out! I know how you feel. And she says the same things to me. However, I know it is because she is not educated on WLS and DEFINATELY does not know what it feels like to be me. I am still forging ahead and try not to talk with her much about it. Hopefully, there is someone else you have for support. Good luck!
   — emilyfink

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