Can i really do this?

My doctor told me thurs. that i have type 2 diabetes. So he put me on the diabetic diet. Why is it when im on a diet all i think about is food and i eat more. But when im not on a diet i dont think of food and i eat alot less. What im scared of is what if i have this surgery and i cant follow the diet? Im scared ill have the operation and look like a fool to everyone because i failed. Were any of you like this? Did everything work out for you?    — Deanna B. (posted on February 20, 2002)

February 20, 2002
My husband is in the same boat. He was diagnosed type II earlier this year. He struggled (is still struggling)with changing his diet etc, and we BOTH are worried if we can do this diet thing (our surgery is in March), we just decided not to even think we could fail. Just take one day at a time! It will also help with a smaller stomach and dumping on sugar.. a lot of people also have said that their bodies just don't want the "junk" food anymore!! There are a lot of us out there feeling the same way!! If you are feeling weak lean on one of us for support!! You can do this!!!! Hopefully it will help with the diabetes too!!
   — Allie A.

February 20, 2002
I have not "dieted" one day since my surgery 1 year ago. Since that time I have lost about 165 lbs. and gotten my life back. Don't worry. WLS isn't another diet that you're going to fail at. It's an entire lifestyle change that will teach you "the hard way" (dumping) that you shouldn't eat a high-sugar, high-fat, high-volume diet. I LOVE THIS SURGERY!!!
   — Terissa R.

February 20, 2002
i was type 2 diabetic after the surgery on 9/5 they stoped the medication sugar has remained fine colestral is down to 140 combined water pills are half of what they were and no side effects so far down 130 pounds good luck to you
   — ted M.

February 20, 2002
I overindulged with everything. If it was fast food, I got it biggy sized WITH 2 apple pies. Then on the way home I would stick my hand in the bag and eat some fries out of my husbands box! You can't do that with this surgery. If you eat like you regularly do after having wls, you will throw up. Personally I didn't have this surgery to "diet" the rest of my life. I reat regularly - just in VERY small portions.
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 20, 2002
i am not on a diet, nor, will i ever be on a diet for the rest of my life. i spent my first 50 years 'on a diet'. all it got me was morbidly obese. i now eat anything i want, with the exception of sugars, high fats & carbs, but i eat way less of it & pack my proteins in before anything else. dont think of this surgery as putting u on a permanent diet. thinking of dieting will doom ur success just as it doomed it before wls. think of wls as a 'tool' to help u eat healthier than u did before. good luck to u.
   — sheryl titone

February 21, 2002
You CAN do it!!! The small pouch does not allow you to eat but so much food.( hopefully it's healthy) I am around 8 weeks post op, and my dr. wants me to fill those small medicine cups w/ meat/ protien I get full fast, i would never have imagined I could onlt eat 2 oz. of food!!!
   — Cindee A.

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