Post ops, do you feel like its a dream?

Life as a post op is so much better, health improves, able to be more active, feel great. Do others feel like its a dream? I never thought I would loose the weight, while not feeling bad. Diets ALWAYS depressed me and turned me into a cranky pain. For ME surgery was the easy way out, or so it seems once I got the actual surgery overwith. Now life isnt perfect, still not enough mney and all that. But some mornings like today I wake up and fear this is all a dream....    — bob-haller (posted on March 4, 2002)

March 3, 2002
Bob, I so know what you mean. This surgery is such a blessing and I too feel like it is a dream. Any pain or problems that I have had since the surgery, ( and that is very little) no way compares to the continued good health i have gained as well as confidence, and happiness. But I live in fear of regaining. You know loosing 20 to 40 lbs then gaining it back before was not pleasing but no huge deal. I almost expected it. But if I gain this time, what are my options? None. I have done the most extreme thing I can to battle this weight. Now I leave it up to God to help me make good choices for the rest of my days. He knows my heart. I may be weak when it comes to battling food, but He gives me strength, and I pray that this time will be the last time I need to loose weight. I pray the same for you and all on this board.
   — Sue B.

March 3, 2002
Not only like it is a dream, but that I will ruin this as well. I constantly live in fear that tomorrow I will wake up and the surgery will not work anymore. I think that we are so used to failure we expect it and it is hard for us to re-program ourselves into thinking that we are not going to mess this up too. I hope and pray that I can maintain a winners status in my weighloss!
   — Tawny F.

March 3, 2002
Sadly weight gain is the accompning nightmare we all live with daily. Its become less of a obsession as time has passed, but is a big worry.
   — bob-haller

March 3, 2002
You know what?...I swear I have a bruise on my butt from where I keep pinching myself...this has to be a dream, things are way too good! Every day I can't believe how much different my life is compared to just last year! I woke up earlier than usual this morning because I had so many things on my mind, alot of stressful things happening this week, and last year I would have been in tears being so overwhelmed and depressed...but this morning, I got right out of bed with the attitude of hitting everything head-on! It made such a difference that I now don't worry about finding something to wear that fits...everything fits and looks great! I don't get tired just getting ready! I'm able to leave the house feeling confident that I look good! And dealing with people, even the difficult ones, is so different...I don't feel inferior to them, so I'm not easily intimidated. I'm finally the person I wished and hoped to be! I do have moments when I fear that I'm going to mess it up and all the weight will return...but realistically, to do that would take more effort than it does to keep losing or maintaining. This surgery broke "the cycle" for me...I could never successfully lose weight because I could never keep my motivation up due to depressing things happening in my personal life or my job etc. and all those things weren't going well because of my weight..a never ending cycle. Now that I don't have a weight problem ( I love saying that!!) the other problems aren't gone, but how I deal with them is so much better. I have such a bright outlook on my life now! I can't believe how much energy was spent worrying about dieting,I have lost not only the physical weight but the emotional weight too! Thanks for posting this gave me a chance to once again reflect on how fortunate I am and how grateful I am for this surgery!! Hugs! :)
   — DolcezzaVT

March 4, 2002
Everything is so great in my life right now, but I know it's real, and due to all the hard work and effort I have put forth. From time to time, however, I get insecure, and feel like I am a miserable sick 355 again instead of a sexy healthy 183. The psychological scars of morbid obesity are the hardest for me to overcome.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 4, 2002
Bob, I'm the complete opposite - I feel like my "Morbidly Obese" days were just a dream. Even at the worst times, I always percieved myself as normal-sized. Now that I have regained my health, it's as if I've been like this throughout my life. Good luck to you. Kevin
   — meilankev

March 4, 2002
Bob,<br>I said something much like what you just said in my five-month update in my profile. If someone had told me all the ways in which my life would be massively better post-op, I just would not have believed them... but it's all true and then some. :-) I've worked hard for my weight loss, but it's been satisfying, productive effort... for the first time in my life. Here at 5.5 months, down 116 lbs and 91 inches, I can honestly say I'm thrilled with my RNY.
   — Julia M.

March 4, 2002
Of course. We have a FATAL disease. It's only in remission as long as the mechanics of our surgery hold out and we stick to what works, tossing what doesn't work to the curb. There are formulas that work into the future and some that derail us at 2 yrs, 3 yrs, or with complaceny even further out. I accept my remission gratefully, but take steps to do MY part to guard against errors there, tweaking as time goes on & I learn new info. But do I wake up full sized in my dreams? Yep. Just not very often any more.
   — vitalady

March 4, 2002
I am like one of the previous posters on here, I felt like I was a skinny person living in a fat persons body. I know we didn't and dont' like to be called that but that is what I felt. Although I am much thinner now, I still have a ways to go and I am like you in this sense, I keep wondering geez Tonya what happens if you wake up one morning and you found out that the person you always thought you were, can never be!!!!! But alas, I hope if this is a dream I NEVER wake up. For I am living my dreams literally then huh lol. Bob you have done great, and been inspirations to us all. I remember preop I pestered you along with everyone else, and thanks to people like you I am a success!!!!! Good luck and god bless my friend, and remember is you are dreaming then this is my dream too, Don't wake up lol. Tonya 10/4-71lbsand counting!!!!
   — TONYA B.

March 4, 2002
Every day I fear that this dream will end that the weight will start piling on again just like every time \ before..I have gained a few pounds lately and it scares me to death I pray nightly to God to let this not be a dream but for it to last the rest of the days of my life I am walking again and watching what I eat kathy
   — Kathleen M.

March 4, 2002
i, too, always felt like a thin person inside a huge body. what a shock it ALWAYS was when i would see my reflection. so i stopped looking at my reflection. now i fear waking up one morning to discover this has all been a dream & i have not lost 52 lbs in 11 weeks & still cannot wear all the clothes i have been hoarding in the back of my closet for years. this is a very real & frightening fear for me. all my life i have dreamed of not being 'ed & ann's fat daughter', the fat kid in class, the fat lady who is ron, stef & al's mommy & i am so afraid of 'waking up from the dream that feels so real'.
   — sheryl titone

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