
Hi, just a couple of frindly suggestions for everyone. I personally recommend everyone whos profile is important to them make a hard copy and put it in a safe place now and then. Just in case a tech glitch somehow manages to erase it. I say this because my profile is so important and I would be devastated if it somehow disappeared. <P> In addition if someone with a private profile posts on Q&A or the message board and we cant approve it for some reason we have no way to let you know why it wasnt approved. Tech glitches sometimes cause this. Please email me or another member of the moderating team if such a situation occurs. Thanks very much for your time and have a great day.    — bob-haller (posted on April 8, 2002)

April 7, 2002
Bob~Great idea about making a hard copy (back-up). I never even thought of that!
   — Cinna G.

April 8, 2002
When I found this website and started to pursue WLS, I started a journal and copy everything that I put into it on my AMOS profile page. This way I can look back years later and see exactly what I was thinking or feeling. Also I have a scale that shows my weight presurgery and my inches and also my success along the way. I recommend everyone doing this for your records. I also have pictures taken every month on my surgery date (as well as weight and measure myself). It definately it an eye opener to see the change. (Tina Torrey, Spanaway, WA 08/28/01 60" distal RNY 85 lbs gone forever!!)
   — trtorrey

April 8, 2002
Not only should you make a hard copy every so often, you should also save your profile webpage to your hard drive. You can do this in Netscape by going to the "File" pulldown menu, "Edit Page", then do a "Save As". It will save all your text as well as all your images in one place, and when you open the file, you have an exact duplicate of your online profile. If you ever needed to fix your profile because suddenly everything was erased, all you would have to do is "Copy" and "Paste" everything back in. I'm not sure how you save a website in Internet Explorer. Maybe someone who knows can offer that info.
   — artistmama

April 8, 2002
Bob! Thanks for the suggestion! I did it. LOL How about reminding us to save our work from time to time? I admit it, I'm terribly fogetful about things like that!
   — NicoleG

April 8, 2002
Sorry, me again! LOL Ok, to save it as a webpage in IE< open up your profile, go up to "File" then "Save As" then it will open up your saved file and may (mine did ) automatically save the file as a webpage.
   — NicoleG

April 13, 2002
Someone printed all six pages of my profile and told me it was 58 pages! No way am I typing all that back in if it gets crunched! :-) Each time before I make a major update to one of my pages, I save the text in the Comments box (where you type in your story). I put my cursor in the Comments box, press Ctrl+A to Select All, then press Ctrl+C to Copy, then I open Notepad, then I press Ctrl+V to paste the text there. I save that file as ProfilePageWhatever040102.txt (the date) so that I can find it again if I need it. I've been doing this all along and it doesn't take up much space. The best thing about this method is that it preserves all the HTML coding I've done on my pages.<p>Feel free to email me if you have questions about this method: [email protected]
   — Julia M.

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