How many meetings with surgeon prior to setting surgery date?

I have or will have in the few days after my appt w/ surgeon gotten my Nutritionist letter over to him, my Psyche Eval to him, Med rec's to him and and have lost my 10%(documented). Does anyone realistically think I could get a surgery date on the first consult? I'm ready to do this.    — pcollin4 (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 5, 2002
After seeing a nutritionist and loosing my 10% I met with the surgeon and was given my surgery date. Good luck!
   — linda S.

June 5, 2002
Hi...I know that all surgeon's are different when it comes to setting up a surgery date. For example, I went to see 2 different surgeons and was supposed to go see a 3rd, but decided not to. The 3rd surgeon that I decided not to go see gives surgery dates the first time that you are there. As for the surgeon that I have decided to go with - I went to see him for the first consult, then had to go to all the specialists, then went back to see him. After going over all of the tests I had done, they were going to give me a surgery date. I thought that I was going to get the date that day, but they told me they had to coincide with the surgeon's schedule, the O.R. and the anesthesiologist. So it was a week after my appointment that I finally got a date. But some doctors do give you a date on your first consult.
   — Giovanna G.

June 6, 2002
I think it usually depends on your insurance situation. Many doctors don't give dates until your insurance has approved the procedure. In my experience, you see the surgeon, then he submits the paperwork to the insurance and after approval you are give a date. Good Luck!
   — Amber L.

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