Loss of appetite - surgical or pregnancy related?

I am 2 years post op and pregnant. All through the past two years I have done well sticking to a routine of only eating when I'm hungry (I'm an expert grazer), but I've noticed that I'm not hungry nearly as often as I was before I was pregnant. Yesterday I went nearly 12 hrs without eating and didn't realize it until I finally did try to eat. I've tried "force feeding" myself with a schedule of high-protien several times a day and just can't do it. It's not exactly morning sickness, more like dumping. I'll take one bite of food, have to chew it forever (more than I normally would) and it still just sits there when I swallow. This is my first pregnancy, and my copy of "what to expect when you're expecting" is still in the mail, so please tell me if this is a pregnancy thing that will pass or something I'll have to keep dealing with until February. P.S. This isn't in the library already - I checked :)    — Kasey K. (posted on June 27, 2002)

June 27, 2002
Hi, I'm 4 weeks post-op, lap RNY -35lbs. I have a 10 yr. old and a 3 yr. old. And I can tell you that I weighed about 250 when I got preg. with each one, and with each of them I LOST between 50 and 70 lbs. I was never hungery! I could'nt even get my vitamins in. But my Dr. told me that the Baby will always get the same amount of nutrition from the mothers body, it feeds off of your stored nutrients. You, as the Mom could suffer. I was just happy to know that my Baby would be okay! Both my girls were born BIG (9 lbs.+ 7.6 lbs.) and perfect!!! Good Luck!
   — Tambi B.

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