How long after surgery can you go back to work

my company has had a lot of people that have had this surgery however my boss does not agree with it and my employer is an atwill employer (they can fire you when they want) and the last person in my group that had it done was let go for taking to much time off of work (or so they said)and i took her place so i was wondering that if i have a job where i sit at a computer all day long and i don't do anything strenous do you think it would be possible for me to go back to work 10 days after surgery and i don't want to tell my boss i am having it done i would like to do it under vacation time    — shelly B. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
If you are having Lap, you probably can, but that's pushing it. Maybe if you could arrange your vacation and surgery around a holiday that will add a few days, like maybe 10 days plus labor day weekend?
   — Pam G.

July 28, 2002
All surgeries are different due to complications, tolerance, and which procedures are done. I can tell you how MINE went, but that doesn't mean yours will be the same. But, I took a total of eleven days to bounce back and go to work. That includes weekends. I had surgery on Thurs then took the next week off and went back the following Monday. I stayed in front of the computer and I was fine. Considering I would have been home alone with four kids at home, being around lots of people at work was probably safer LOL! Also, look into FMLA. I don't know if your employer is eligible for this, but look into it nonetheless. Under FMLA they CAN'T fire you , it would be illegal. Also, you SHOULDN"T have to tell them what you're having surgery for. As long as it isn't cosmetic (and it's not), you can take FMLA and it's NONE of their business what you need the surgery for. I just told my employer that I needed surgery and that my doctor sais I need it. They said okay and FMLA protected my job. Good luck!
   — ravikamor

July 28, 2002
Your company should allow you at least 12 weeks under the fmla..I was trying to have the surgery but we have a written exclusion..and now I am sicker and on oxygen 24/7..I am currently on fmla...but they say they are going to terminate me as of aug 23..that is my last day of fmla (the twelve weeks)..But from what i have read on this probably will not need the full twelve weeks...when i went for my consult..the doctor told me I would only have to be off 3 weeks as long as I did not pick up anything within the weight limit they give you...and barring no complications...I think you should go for it...and have your surgery...and remember no matter what happens at your job...when one door closes their is always another one open...we just have to look..I wish you the best with your journey..I hope that before it is too late for me I will get to have
   — Flora W.

July 28, 2002
I am 10 days postop open RNY...I'd rather be at work. I am taking all of the time off, just because I have it, and I have wanted a vacation. I figure once I get back to "normal" in a couple more weeks I can go do some stuff. I went to the races 6 hours in the sun, with my two year old and minimum help from my husband. In fact he was in the fourth heat and I was left alone with my son for about an hour and a half alone. I have gone shopping several times. I feel really good, and very fortunate to feel so good. God bless you. I wish you well. By the way I am using 6 weeks with FMLA. (No pay though)
   — MF

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