Funny things that happen post op

My wife Jen had one of these the other day. She was craving chocolate so she gets 5 M&Ms from a glass gumball type machine. Figures this is better than a bag, even a vending sized one... She hears a throat clearing and finds her pulmonoilogist standing behind her. She was embarassed and said its only 5 perhaps you would like a couple?<P> Hopefully the rest of you can add to this ahh embarassing funny moment. Have a GREAT day!!    — bob-haller (posted on August 24, 2002)

August 24, 2002
Well this wasn't funny at the time, but emabarrasing. I took my kids to see Men in Black 2 a couple of weekends ago, and decided to pay with my credit card. Well on the back of the card where I have my signature, I also have stated that I would like my ID checked, something I've learned working in retail for protection, anywhoo, I have not changed my Driver's license picture since I was pre op. So the guy is looking at my ID, 170 lbs ago, and said that it was not me. Meanwhile there's a line growing, and everyone is listening to this guy yell through the speaker thing that this person in the pic can't be the person he has in front of him. So I had to explain that I had recently lost a lot of weight and that I had just been to lazy to go to the DMV. So everyone in line starts talking about it and I had to show my license to at least three people that were astonished by the before pic, and the after me. Needless to say I wound up showing this guy at the counter several credit cards, and my social security card, before he would allow the credit card use. Yes, I did finally get my license change hehe.
   — Carey N.

August 24, 2002
I recently took my son who is 8 to his first day of school last week and saw some of his classmates from last year ( I was room mom and spent quite a bit of time in his class from time to time) One little boy came up to me and said " WoW! you really have been working out over the summer cuz your skinny now!" I have lost 70lbs over the summer :) I just laughed and said yep :) Was pretty funny!
   — Sarah A.

August 24, 2002
I was recently involved in a minor auto accident. I was fine, except for a bump on my head, a sore neck and pretty shaken up. As I handed the police officer my license, he asked if all of the information on it was correct. When I told him my weight wasn't correct, he looked at me and said, "Ma'am, no woman tells the truth about her weight on her driver's license". When he looked down at the license, he got a surprised look on his face and said "Holy cow, NO ONE makes themselves heavier!" The look on his face was priceless, and I just started laughing. It really broke the tension of the moment.
   — Carmen S.

August 24, 2002
I'm 44 years old and NEVER was told this..... "you have a cute little butt"." This coming from an 79 year old friend of my Mom's. LOL (after all, I know it's not quite so little out of a pair of jeans). :)
   — Danmark

August 25, 2002
This is the honest to God truth. I am about 3 1/2 months post-op, down about 100 pounds and I hadn't seen my brother, who lives about 6 hours from me, since I had the surgery. When he and his family drove down to see us last week, he saw me with my sunglasses on and walked right by me. When I asked him how he was he was shocked to see that it was me! He thought I was a guy who lives a few houses down from me. My sister-in-law and the kids walked by me as well. I got such a kick over that! - Mike
   — Michael N.

August 25, 2002
When I was, oh, about 3-4 months post op & had lost about 100 pounds, an elderly Aunt of mine was visiting. When she asked how much weight I'd lost & I had told her, she actually said to me, in this condescending voice, "well, you DO realize that's almost ALL water loss, don't you?" My family & I still laugh about losing 100 pounds of water!!
   — Kathy W.

August 25, 2002
I have to laugh at Kathy W answer. Many Years ago, I was drinking water and my dear father-in-law informed me that I was heavy because I drank too much water. LOL
   — faybay

September 2, 2002
HeeHee.. this just happened the other day. I am perpetually late in the morning and have perfected the art of putting my makeup on in the car while I sit at the thousands of stoplights I always seem to hit red. Well, I was putting Mascara on and I noticed these guys in a truck next to me just staring and laughing and I immediately got self conscious and reverted to junior high when you get that sinking feeling because you can FEEL the people making fun of you even if you can't hear them. SO - I decided to be the 'bigger' person and not acknowledge it, just to keep on with my makeup and then they started trying to get my attention and I REFUSED to look at them. Then they honked and I inadvertantly jumped and looked over at them and they motioned for me to roll down my window and so now I am thinking that there is something wrong with my car or something so I roll it down and low and behold, the hottie in the truck says, "You're already stunning - why are you putting on makeup?" I was speechless ... I just grinned stupidly at them and took off when the light turned green. BUT IT MADE MY DAY - hell it made my week, my year ... :-)
   — Reagan J.

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