Does anyone know any private insurance companies that dont have a weight requirement?

Hi Everyone! I was layed off my job this week after 25yrs of service. My biggest concern is getting medical insurance. I know I can get Cobra for 18 months but was wondering if anyone knows of any insurance companies that don't have a weight requirement. Thanks in advance for any help. Toni Postop 8 mos. -146lbs    — toni D. (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 6, 2002
You might want to check with a Broker or Agent in your area. Mos HMO's or medical savings plans do not have underwriting guidlines, but as a general rule, individual PPO and POS Plans do require underwriting, but again, contact an agent, that would be your best bet -aside from continuing coverage through COBRA!
   — Rosario T.

September 6, 2002
I just wanted to add that regardless of what the insurance agent SAYS don't give up your COBRA insurance until you are approved IN WRITING and have read through the policy thoroughly. I know when I was looking for an individual policy that would cover WLS and finally found one that the agent said I had a very good chance of getting on the policy I was applying for, even said "I don't know why you wouldn't!" leaving me really assured that I would get it. And further reassured me by saying that with state law that had to offer me a policy. Well, it fell through and they denied me access to the coverage that I wanted (a good policy that covered WLS). As he said they did offer me a policy but it was a very minimalistic, poor quality coverage, it was a catastrophic policy that covered very little, had high deductables, very high premiums, and under no circumstances would have ever covered WLS. Just beware. Insurance agents are in the business of SELLING, and you know the saying, "Buyer BeWare".
   — Shelly S.

September 6, 2002
Check with your insurance company that the cobra is offered through. They may have a conversion policy, which means instead of electing for cobra you can convert your group health insurance into an individual policy. Please be aware that when you do convert to the individual policy, that policy may not cover prescriptions, just make sure you receive a coversion plan outline before you do anything. With my mom's experience the individual policy was just as much as cobra, and didn't cover prescriptions. Also, when you convert there is no pre-existing condition policy. Good Luck & God Bless!
   — stacjean

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