
Iam scheduled for a TT on Monday and fear I am about to begin my monthly cycle. I have very heavy flow. Will this be a major issue?    — beth N. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Like with all surgeries they see people who have their periods. For some people just the stress of thinking about surgery can cause it to come early. A day or two after I had my tummy tuck I started my period (still at the facility). The staff taking care of me wasn't nearly as surprised as I was. I hadn't had a period in nearly forever! But that's how it happens. Surgery does weird things to your body. I wouldn't worry. You can bet they've seen it all. And they'll give you a big huge pad to wear, probably straight into the ER. Of course they'll remove it as they prep you but when you wake up they'll have at least a sheet protector pad under you anyhow, and if they're sensitive & a good staff they'll have placed a more absorbent pad in place for you too.
   — Shelly S.

September 14, 2002
If you are on birth control, simply skip the hormone free week and continue taking the pill and you will skip your period for this month. Menustration vacation. It is not a big deal and in fact the FDA is now having trials of a birth control that is 6 months period free.
   — Ellen M.

September 14, 2002
Hi Beth: The answer is yes. I was not due for my period for another week, and of course it came on the day before surgery. I also have an extremely heavy flow, and bled for 12 days postop. If you check around on this site, it seems as if all women get their period when they are having this surgery, no matter when they are due. Hope this helps. Good luck.
   — Grace H.

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