I am 7 weeks out, and have found that I am falling into those old TERRIBLE eating

habbits. The first 3 weeks I lost 41 pounds and then on my 6 week check up I'd only lost an additional 10. I haven't been able to walk much because I developed a bad case of shin splints. I have to admitt that I have become somewhat depressed and I now graze all the time. I haven't eaten anything I wasn't suppose to...just too much of what I should. I never dump, and can tolerate anything. I also think I'm eating too much at one time. I need help to get out of this cycle! I don't want to be able to eat this much...has anyone else ever felt like they aren't going to make this work? Thanks for any words of advice.    — Amanda E. (posted on September 14, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Hi, I can totally relate to your question. I am about 8 weeks out, never dumped; but I often find myself slipping back to old habits. I think this is the part where people say the surgery is only a tool. We have much control over helping it work. I am trying to break old habits; it helps to be gentle with yourself. We are both very very new at this and it does take a while to break old habits. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I am actively seeking things to do that I enjoy that take up the time I used to spend planning, eating and stressing over food. Best of luck. Monika Walls, De
   — Monika W.

September 14, 2002
You went through a lot to get this surgery - remind yourself of that and have patience. Focus on going through the motions of what you know you need to do - To me it is like quitting smoking - My mind controls my feelings. Learn to change your mind - allow yourself to dwell on the problem - whether it is about eating more or worrying about something - and switch to another subject - diversion. You have a problem for exercise - I used to just change surroundings - go to the library and lose yourself - think of things you can do change your habits. As you lose you will become physically able to MOVE better and you will be delighted and will find many new things to do. You have been given a great jump start - work with it and make you and your surgeon proud.
   — charlene M.

September 14, 2002
This is the very thing that scares me about this surgery. I am pre-op and have read so much about this problem. As they said in my seminar, "this surgery fixes your body, not your mind." I really believe most people should have post-op counseling. If nothing has changed with regards to WHY we overeat and our addiction to food, how can we ever be truly successful. I'm not trying to be a bummer, but I have been asking myself this question a lot. My sister, who is also overweight and no having the surgery, has been questioning this part of the process. She keeps asking me why I think I will keep this weight off, as oppose to when I've lost weight in the past and gained it back. I'm not sure I can give her a good answer, but I just know I can do it if I really want to. Think about that. How much do you really want to lose this weight and how important is the eating to you? I think that's what we all need to stop and think about. How important is food, compared to being healthy and looking good. I know you can do this. Don't get discouraged, just picture yourself healthy and not overweight. Keep that picture of yourself in your minds eye everytime you want to eat something you shouldn't. Sounds like you have a really great start. You CAN do it!!
   — Kathy S.

September 14, 2002
Amanda- First off, I want to tell you that you are doing so great! You have already lost so much. If you are 7 weeks out...that is only 49 days. That means that you have lost over a pound a day! CONGRATULATIONS! I am almost 8 weeks out, and I started feeling a little depressed about 2 weeks ago because I hit a plateau. But, I went into my closet and began to try on some clothes that had been too tight before surgery. And you know what? They fit! You also really need to take your measurments. It is amazing to look at the tape measure and see the inches melt away. If you haven't already done this..take them now and then take them again every 2-3 weeks or so. I don't dump either, and I am just really careful about what I eat. If you must eat something you shouldn't have, just take 1 bite of it. I had a cheese puff the other day because it looked so yummy. But I only had ONE! I know one will never hurt me. It is when you sit down and eat half the bag that hurts. Try to stop grazing by drinking MORE WATER and filling up on it. If your pouch is full of water between meals, you won't be able to fit in snacks all the time. Everytime you want to snack, drink instead until you feel full. And how do you know if you are eating too much? Have you measured it? I can eat about 2-4 ounces at a sitting depending on what it is. Two packages of string cheese are two ounces...and two of them fill me right up. Try not to get depressed. Think about what you weighed pre op and add what you just lost to THAT! That would be a really good reason to be depressed. You are moving downhill at a great rate. Keep it up!!! Good luck! (open RNY 7/23/02 -50 lbs)
   — Shawnie S.

September 14, 2002
As other have already told you, you are not alone in this battle you are facing. I am one of them, too. I am about 3 weeks post-op and I find myself eating some things I shouldn't. I told my surgeon I wish he did brain surgery, too, because the hardest part of this surgery is not losing weight, or exercising, or whatever, it is getting over the mind battle of the habits we used to have as obese people. I have found that drinking water or a protien shake will really curb my appetite. I have also found that sucking on sugar-free hard candies supresses it, too. It is probably not the best idea, but it has flavor and it is something to keep me occupied. Jolly Rancher has some sugar-free condies and they last a long time, and don't have too much sugar. They are sweetened with Splenda, I believe. Just look in the candy isle at Wal-Mart or your grocery store. I would try to focus on one thing at a time. Try to focus on getting your eating under control before you try to stress over exercise. You will find as you lose the weight, you will get more energy and you will become more active and not even know it! I wish you luck and if you have any more questions, please feel free to let me know!
   — sammygirlwpc

September 14, 2002
Me too!!! I have begged my nutritionist and support groups for help. Here are the hints that have some merit... to try to eat slowly, force yourself to put your fork down as soon as you take a bite. To try to feel full (or at least satisfied) eat fruit or veggies before your protein (or meal), your stomach will work on the harder carrots/apples and you'll fill up more quickly when you eat your meal. Experiment with the amount of fruit/veggie you might need to leave room for enough protein that you feel full. Don't drink when you eat! I'll let you know if I find anything that works for me and would appreciate it if anyone else would do the same!
   — jen41766

September 14, 2002
Dear Amanda, I think you are doing fine . are you sure you are not just being to hard on yourself? Don't worry take a easy you are not going to be perfect at this right away.I have not meant anyone who is. I am almost 7 month's out and still make mistakes or eat a little to much but thats ok i just try a little harder next time not to i still continue to loosee weight so i must be doing something right and you are loosing weight also so stop complaining you doing just fine hey just think you could be gaining weight then you would really have something to complain about .you will be fine keep loosing and best of luck. from kim
   — KIM B.

September 14, 2002
Amanda! What has been pounded in my head from day 1 is: EAT PROTEIN FIRST!! The protein is for energy and to help build back what your body needs for healing, etc.! First, you need to focus on your goal. Wake up every morning and tell yourself that if you follow the rules, you will get the results. Your body is going through many changes right now ---it needs to get used to less nourishment. But if you don't give it the protein it needs, you won't have any energy and you also defeat the whole purpose of the surgery! You're doing this to be healthier and happier and look great, aren't you?? I am now only 9 days post-op----and i haven't lost a pound yet! Yes I am frustrated! I expected by at least a week to have dropped 10 pounds! But i take a look around my kitchen and though things LOOK GOOD, i know that i have to be patient, and, barring problems, the weight will drop off! Besides it's just your head telling you you would like it ------ give it ten minutes, walk away and it will go away! The first time my Mother (5' tall, 120 pounds all her life) made a meal in the kitchen and i smelled it----the "juices" started to flow----but they were gone in a few minutes! These are just automatic responses your body has used for years----or should i say, your brain! I know in the past i ate when i wasn't even hungry! We all did that! But that was then and this is now! You didn't go through all the waiting and the surgery and money to give up so early! Stick to: eating the protein first, drinking 64 oz of water every day and walking as much as possible. Consult with your doctor if necessary or talk to the dietician at the hospital where you had your surgery. maybe you need to make the foods you do it more appetizing. Here's one that I make in the morning: I usually make 4 soft-boiled eggs at a time and keep them in the fridge. When i want one in the morning, i just break it open, scoop out the egg into a microwavable dish and nuke it for 10-20 seconds---whatever it needs to cook it to how i like it (i only boil them for 2 min. so they're half-cooked). I was putting grated parmesan cheese on it(extra protein) ---- that made it taste great! This morning i added some refried beans----it was almost like eating heuvo rancheros (without the tortilla)! And tasty ---and i finished the whole thing! I buy the Rosarita refried beans----non fat----all natural ingredients---with salsa! they are yummy! Also you can try making a baked potato----mash it and add some: non fat dry milk powder, molly mcbutter and cheddar or jack cheese. These was amazing! Lucky for me (or maybe not) ---everything tastes the same as before and my little "buddy" seems to like what i'm eating too! IN fact i'm having to drink crystal light---it doesn't like plain water! lol Just try different things and follow the "rules" ----- you will get results! Remind yourself of your goals. Post them on your refrigerator! I really wish you luck! YOu younger girls have it great! I'm 54 and have wanted this surgery for 30 years! Take advantage of a good thing and you will have a beautiful,healthy and happier future! I'm registered on the website as [email protected]. E-mail me anytime! Good Luck! Adele
   — Adele F.

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