long term weight loss question

I was just wandering as I have thousands of questions. I have heard of the possibilities of regaining the weight back If you don't use the pouch tool right and my question is if you start gaining the weight back and you get back on track using the pouch rules is there a certain amount of weight that if you regain it you can never lose that weight again by using your pouch rules, working out,watching I eat? Example If I've lost 100lbs and regain 40-50 of that can I get back on track and relose that weight again or am I just stuck at that weight no matter what?????    — felicia H. (posted on September 15, 2002)

September 15, 2002
There are no such hard and fast rules that I'm aware of that would limit your weightloss to a certain number. There are so many variables that it just isn't as cut and dried as that. I think it's important that you've realized that you're off track. Seeing your mistakes is not easy so congratulations on taking back your control! Why not use the power of positive thinking to help you along? You can lose every extra pound you have. Take those pouch rules and run!!! Best of luck!!
   — trouble5

September 15, 2002
I'm only about 12 weeks post op... but here's the way I've thought about this.. because I lost a ton of weight once before... a long long time ago... but I like to think I've gotten a little smarter... BEFORE it gets to 40 or 50 pounds, get back on track. I've heard you can go back to very little eating... protein drinks and liquids for a couple of days and take care of it. I'd set an amount that you will NEVER go over.. and make sure if you get there that you take care of it right away. I'm sure you can lose the weight again, but your pouch will never be how it is the first few months pre op... and I'm sure it will be harder. This is all my guessing and research... its not from experience...
   — Lisa C.

September 15, 2002
I am assuming you mean ONLY if you wander off the straight & narrow, not if you have a mechanical flaw. So far, I've been able to self-correct my errors, but that's been at about 6# worth of Stupid Moves. However, I am very distal, so I suspect it's easier for me. And I have a BIG toolbox full of tricks I use to chase myself back where I belong. Of course, FEAR is one of the motivators. I have seen people restart loss by changing over to a certain set of behaviors, even after several years. It's amazing. The "window" you hear about is really the rapid/steady wt loss period. It doesn't mean there will never be another pound when that day on the calendar rolls by.
   — vitalady

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