What will PCP need to do post-op?

I am educating my PCP about WLS. I wrote him a long (six typed pages) letter explaining why I was looking at this, my history, both health and wl and comorbidities (I figured it would be good for him to refer to when writing the "medical necessity" letter). I put my past diets and current comorbs in tables so he could locate it easily when I send him the "medical necessity" templates in a couple of weeks. I also sent him several articles (both lay and physician oriented) about WLS. I know that he knew nothing about this when I showed up on his doorstep so I thanked him for his pre-op assistance and mentioned post op monitoring. His office called and asked what kind of post op "monitoring" will be necessary. I'm not sure exactly what they will need to do but they want to know *exactly*. I don't want to leave anything out or give vague answers. can anyone help me? Thanks!    — susanje (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
Hi!<br> This may be more of a question you should ask your WLS surgeon. I'm sure they have answered this question for PCP's before.<br>I'd say it also depends how much your surgeon does post op. I haven't seen my PCP since before surgery 3 1/2 mos ago... my surgeon's office does all my post op blood work, etc. My PCP did mention that the surgeon's office sent them a lot of information before surgery, though.<br>Talk to your surgeon's office!<br>Good Luck,<br>Kelly
   — Kelly B.

November 14, 2002
My PCP was nervous about my post-op care also. My surgeon is doing regular follow-up with me. My PCP is just doing things like making sure I get my regular bloodwork ordered, and writing scripts that need to be filled. My surgeon was not local, so the scripts he wrote me needed to be "rewritten" by my local PCP. But, yes, ask your surgeon what your PCP should do for you.
   — Kathy J.

November 14, 2002
Well, if you're on medication for high blood pressure or high cholesterol, I would think your PCP would want to monitor those and see if/when he can reduce your dosages or take you off meds. Of if you have sleep apnea and a CPAP, they might want to send you for another sleep study after a while. My surgeon is doing labs on my for my next follow up visit, but I'm really not sure how long the aftercare with my surgeon will go on for, so down the road I will probably want my PCP to monitor my B-12, iron, etc. We talked the other day about getting a Dexa Scan in a while to see if I'm losing calcium from my sort of things!
   — sandsonik

November 14, 2002
I can send you the list of labs we have done. They make a good starter, then you customize to your own personal conditions, of course. I have to remind my PCP about our requirements periodically, though. 1. will this med interfere with my protein or vites? 2. will my protein or vites interfere with this med? 3. is there any indication that this med is a stomach lining irritant? Would you give it to an ulcer victim? 4. I need it in a non-timed released form. If the only form is SR or XR, then we will have to monitor me to be sure I am not malabsorbing too much of it to help me After a few years of this, I usually just start down the list & he can recite the rest. My surgeons do follow normal blood work, but I don't take every little booboo to them.
   — vitalady

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