Getting a hospital bed for home

I've read that most people sleep on recliners for anywhere from 1-2 weeks, and for as long as 8 weeks. Has anyone had a hospital bed for when they come home? Would this be a good idea?    — Cathy S. (posted on November 23, 2002)

November 23, 2002
I was well over 60bmi.. and 372 pounds and I didn't recover in a recliner or hospital bed. I slept on the couch for a couple of nights but realized I could manage the bed just as well. I think getting a hospital bed or using a recliner just prolongs your recovery time. The sooner you get back to 'regular' the better you'll be I'd guess... good luck! Everyone will have a different answer for you...
   — Lisa C.

November 23, 2002
I think it is up to you. When I had my surgery (83.3) My insurance approved for a hospital bed, but there wasn't any available to accomodate my weight (472), so I just had to continue sleeping in my recliner and my husband had to help me out. I would say that someone with your BMI would do just fine in a recliner or couch for a few days. My husband used the hospital bed (50+)for a couple of months. He tried to get back in the bed but he just couldn't do it. Good Luck
   — bbjnay

November 23, 2002
I was able to sleep in my own bed from the beginning. I was not in pain. Everyone is different.
   — Sharon F.

November 23, 2002
I was a so-called "lightweight" and after open RNY, slept in a recliner (or geri chair) for a few nights after I got home. The bed just wasn't comfortable and I couldn't sleep through the night in it at first. If you don't have a recliner, you can rent a geri chair (which is basically a recliner) for a week or two. I don't think it's likely you'd need a hospital bed once you get home, but everybody's mileage varies. :)
   — Suzy C.

November 23, 2002
Hi!<br>I slept in a recliner for about a week after I got out of the hospital (so up to about day 14 after surgery). I don't think you'll need a hospital bed, but the recliner is a great idea. I also found I could sleep some in a bed with pillows stacked beside me/under my stomach.<br>Good Luck!<br>Kelly
   — Kelly B.

November 23, 2002
The problem with a hospital bed, unless you rent a geri-bed (VERY expensive as they are not commonly available) is that you still have to sit further up than the bed allows easily and swing your legs to the side to get out of the bed. I remember only two well from my c-sections and frankly getting out of a recliner is much easier.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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