Anyone else ever been pre-op and then surgeon has to leave?

I have a surgery date for Feb. 12th at BTC in Wylie, Texas. And I find out today that my surgeon, who is in the Army Reserves, has been called up for active duty. What now? The schedulers say that it will be awhile for everything to be sorted out between the other 2 surgeons. They have no idea what will happen with my date. Has anyone ever been in a position like this? What happened? I am SO upset.    — Amy W. (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
I had a surgeon at the military base get deployed, and a BUNCH of us had to wait 7 or 8 months. It's very hard to take, so my heart goes out to you!! I bet they get it all sorted out, and you don't have to wait too long. Keep your chin up, it will work out. :)
   — Diana L.

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