I need advice on how to approach my initial appeal, and be most effective?

Having been denied on my initial plastic surgery request, I need to know whether I should still request the full extent of plastic surgery procedures that I want or whether to go ahead and whittle it down to the ones I most want (and likely can get approval for)? Anyone with experience in the appeals process please advise...Thanks!    — lisachris (posted on February 3, 2003)

February 3, 2003
Your probably only going to be able to have 1 or 2 procedures done at one time, so you should pick the REALLY bad areas first and work on getting them approved. Good pictures which really show how bad your problem is speaks volumes. Turn sideways and pull your skin out as far as you can - let's face it, most "normal" people can't do this!! Also, send in your own personal letter along with a letter of medical necessity from the doctor and document any problems you have. Finally, pre-approvals are only good for a certain amount of time, that's why I say to concentrate on your main problem areas first and then continue on after about 3 months to your next problem area.
   — Patty H.

April 23, 2003
check out for some appeal letters.
   — Tamara N.

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