Is my incision ever gonna heal completely?

   — Jennifer F. (posted on February 9, 2003)

February 9, 2003
Mine healed pretty fast, but a woman in my WLS support group who was operated on a month after me just had hers finally heal completely - after 5 1/2 months...JR (open RNY 07/17 -152 pounds)
   — John Rushton

February 9, 2003
I had my surgery in Dec. 2001 and it took about 6 weeks for my incision to heal completely. I had to pack it twice a day because spots on it didn't heal all the way. I was worried like you are that it was never gonna close, but it finally did. Just be patient and everything will be fine, trust me!
   — Melinda B.

February 9, 2003
I have about a 7inch vertical scar from an open surgery on an ulcer recently. After about 4-5 weeks, it healed completely, no scabs, no little holes or tiny blisters. But after 7 weeks, it still hurts like hell. I still cannot wear a bra comfortably and it's very raised an dstill really red, despite using Mederma 4 times a day on it. I am going to a dermatologist to check it out. I think some people are just slow healers (unfortunately me), so it all depends!
   — Lezlie Y.

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