After Lap RNY-Do you have drains in when released from hosp?

   — Cindy G. (posted on February 10, 2003)

February 10, 2003
I didn't have any drains, with my lap rny, I was in the hospital for 7 days due to bladder infection, but otherwise everything went very well, check out my profile if you like...
   — bikerchic

February 10, 2003
No there are no drains because there are no large incisions. I only had 5 small slits that were covered with surgical tape and they fell off after a few days. There were no stitches either. That's what makes LAP such a great way to go.
   — Michael N.

February 10, 2003
I had one drainage tube under my left breast that was removed by my surgeon after a week in his office.
   — Patty H.

February 10, 2003
I had a drain following my lap RNY. The doc removed it about 10 days post op. I also had my gall bladder removed at the same time, so that may have been the difference between me and the posters here before me.
   — Yolanda J.

February 10, 2003
I had no drains with my LAP RNY. I only had 7 small slits, 5 of which were about an inch long and 2 were about 1/2 inch long.
   — Cathy S.

February 10, 2003
I had two drains on the right side and both were removed when I was released from the hospital on Day 4. I only had one stitch where each of the drains were on my whole abdomen as my doctor steri-stripped all the other tiny incisions closed. Those two stitches were both removed on my first post-op appointment at 2 weeks out.
   — thumpiez

February 10, 2003
The five of us in our family who have had lap RNY had six 1/2" external sutures and no drains. In most cases this is the personal preference of the surgeon indicating the training that he received in performing this procedure, as opposed to a true surgical necessity. Be sure to ask your surgeon during your pre-op consultation just exactly what you should expect....sutures, drains, tubes?....then there won't be any "surprises" post-op. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

February 10, 2003
Six incisions, one had a drain, which was removed at my first follow-up appointment (approx. 7 days after surgery). I didn't have a gallbladder removal. Best of luck!
   — Jess S.

February 10, 2003
I had a LAP RNY on 12/4/01 and left the hospital with one drain, that remained until my 10 day post-op appointment. The reason for the drain has nothing to do with LAP vs Open. The fluid draining is the fluid in your body cavity. The normal color of this is wheat. If there's any blood in it, this is an indication of internal bleeding. I was told to monitor the color...and to call immediately if it started to get darker instead of lighter.
   — Cyndie K.

February 10, 2003
Lap RNY 10/29/02 - no drains and no sutures!
   — koogy

February 10, 2003
I had lap RNY on 12/17/02 with six small incisions and had one drain. The doctor removed it shortly before I was released two days later. It's really nothing to be concerned about as it's painless with just a bit of discomfort for an instant as it's removed
   — Birdie59

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