Have you watched a surgery in person

I have a opportunity to watch a RNY from the surgical observation area. Has anyone done this? Did it bother you? I am interested in seeing it but dont want to end up on the floor, collapsed.:(    — bob-haller (posted on March 6, 2003)

March 6, 2003
I watched a revision/TT and then SHE wanted to see a TT, so we watched another TT/misc repairs (female, hernia) a week later. I was not in observation, but up close & personal. And they were friends of mine! I did not watch "the cut", since I do not do blood. But I found all else fasinating. And I AM a wimp. I didn't think I could do it, but my friend (an MD) conspired with my doc to call my bluff, more or less. LOL! I saw them just before my revision, and it did not deter me. I was ready to jump on the table right then & there & get it DONE. Fascinating.
   — vitalady

March 6, 2003
We were shown a five minute video of an up close and personal LAP RNY operation at our first orientation meeting... looked fairly straightforward to me, and there seemed to be plenty of room and vision to see what the doctor was doing...
   — Tim W.

March 6, 2003
I regret not asking if there was any way to video my surgery. I find it all very fascinating and doubt I would have any trouble watching it even though it was me. I have videos of both my shoulder surgeries which were done LAP. All they need is some narration and they'd be great. I watched the first one the night after my surgery and I saw him take the grinder to my bone and start grinding away what looked like huge sections (can you say magnified) of bone and I commented that I sure hoped he knew what he was doning. LOL Obviously he did because I have wonderful range of motion of my shoulders. <p>I always try to be awake for my colonoscopy's because I find it reassuring to see for myself what things look like and also it amazes me how all the various parts of the body work. It really is a pretty amazing machine. <p>I'm sure I would take the opportunity unless it was a loved one then I don't think I would want to be there in case something went wrong, even if it wasn't all too serious. <p>I've watched lots of surgeries on TV. I used to watch the OPERATION all the time. Chris
   — zoedogcbr

March 6, 2003
Bob- I have seen many surgeries in person, right up at the field, as a surgical technician. I don't think rny would be hard to watch at all. You will not likely see anything upsetting or sad. (think burns, amputations) This should be a piece of cake and interesting to boot! I will, though, second the other poster's comment. If it is someone you are close to, all bets are off. I would think twice about that one. I saw my child get stitches in his chin and nearly fainted!
   — Lori A.

March 6, 2003
My surgeons group is considering starting a big brothers big sisters program and asked if I would help out. Thats fine its part of my pre op promise to myself that IF I survived surgery and did well I would help others, like they helped me. Then they asked if I would like to see a actual surgery. Sometimes ER bothers me a bit but I am interested in WLS and this is probably the only part I am not real familiar with. I had watched most of a open on TV, I remember them finishing the stomach portion and it almost looked careless when they stuffed the stomach back in place. I am going to do this but it wouldnt be anyone close to me. Although Jens dad is just beginning the journey. He is the only close person I am aware of who is getting this right now. Thanks for the encouraging words. I will let you know how it goes, but I have NO idea when it will occur. Thanks a lot!
   — bob-haller

March 6, 2003
I would jump on this in a heartbeat but I am a nurse, I don't think you will be able to see a lot of the blood and guts part of it because of the distance away and the surgical drapes and etc. It will be hard to actually see what is going on.
   — Delores S.

March 6, 2003
It will be LAP, and they have video cameras and tv sets so I should get a good view.
   — bob-haller

March 7, 2003
I have tried to watch the rny being performed on tv, but it made my guts hurt. LOL but I am weird so don't go by what I
   — fropunka

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