Scheduled for surgery, now boss says postpone it, what do I do?

I'm in a unique situation, I work in broadcasting and we're coming up to sweeps, and my surgery is scheduled for either April 25 or April 28. The start of sweeps is the 24th of April. I'm travelling from Michigan to the University of Virginia and a excellent Doctor, that I'm very comfortable and positive about. what do I do?    — William K. (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 25, 2003
I used to work for a TV station too, so I understand the urgency of sweeps. You didn't mention what exactly you do. Anyhow, I think the ADA covers this situation. You have a medical condition that needs treatment, and I do not think your boss is allowed to tell you when you can and can't have the surgery. I ran into this years ago when I had to have my nose fixed (it was cosmetic and medically necessary) and my boss tried to tell me I could not have work off...(I was a hairdresser at the time) and I told her that she did not have a choice and I would call the labor board if there was any questions...I had vacation time coming, etc...gave her plenty of notice...look up your rights on this issue. Hope this helps you.
   — missmollyk

March 25, 2003
While I agree with Molly, remember that you didn't become bese overnight and one more month may seem like a decade but if you like your job....I would postpone. If you work in a state where they can fire you without could be putting a lot at risk if you proceed against their wishes.
   — Sarah S.

March 25, 2003
gosh..some people think that wls is like just taking a trip to a weight watchers meeting for a month. this is NOT about loosing weight. it's about fighting a serious medical condition that can be deadly if untreated. they should treat it the same as if you were having open heart surgery and not say something so crazy as to postpone it. i wish you luck in whatever you do!
   — franbvan

March 25, 2003
I think you need to look into family medical leave. I think that if you have a chronic or critical medical condition and get you doctor to fill out FMLA papers for your surgery there is no way they can fire you. Being morbidly obese is both a chronic and critical medical condition. People just don't understand what a long drawn out process this is and how precious a surgery date is. Best of luck.
   — D. Bell

March 25, 2003
You will not die in one month, but your future wuth this company may die. I usually am on the side of getting it done now in case insurance changes. But, your boss is not being unreasonable. If it were me and I liked my job and felt I had a future in the business, I would wait. Just my 2 cents.
   — faybay

March 25, 2003
Talk to your human resources department and see what their policy is. But, that said, my employer, who I've worked for for 30 years, makes an issues of reminding everyone that you're an "at will employee" and they can dismiss you at any time. Have you got a union? You need to weigh your legal rights. Do you love your job? Would you be devestated if they dismissed you? Could you find a similar job without a problem if necessary? While there are times I'd love to tell me boss to stick it, I can't afford to leave. You've got a lot to think about. Good luck with your decision.
   — lorien

March 25, 2003
You must take your job into consideration carefully. If you use the FMLA or force your boss to allow this time off then only you will know how your boss will be when you return. It's easy for us to say go for it and use the law to back you up but the law really isn't there for us when we return. Even if you ended up in court and won it wouldn't make your boss accept it enough to have a good working relationship. My advice would be to let your boss know your not happy about it but you will postpone your surgery ONCE. I wish you luck!
   — Barbara S.

March 25, 2003
If I were you and I liked my job, my job would come first. Sweeps is a big thing SO - figure out thet date you would like to have surgery then ask the doc if ou can trade with someone on that date - someone else will probably be thrilled to be moved up, and you can get your surgery right after sweeps and be a hero at work.
   — Kristy J.

March 25, 2003
YOUR BOSS IS CRAZY, Just my opinion. But in the world can you do a better job, if your health isn't right. I'm sure if everyday you came in feeling 100% you can do work much better and have a good attitude also. What if one of your co-morbidities acts up and you have to take off. I don't get it. some people just don't think.
   — Naes Wls J.

March 25, 2003
It sounds like - unless you can work your surgery into a special report for your employer - that you have to make a decision. You can either continue with your surgery date and suffer the consequences or postpone the surgery until after the May sweeps are over. I'd postpone it a month if I were in your position (and keep my job)...JR
   — John Rushton

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