What is the comparison regarding pain and the incisions...?

I have had a breast reduction and one of the "old fashioned" types of Gallbladder removal(12 inch scar)in the past, and am wondering how the lap RNY compares to these OP's? also, is it easier to get around after having the lap precedure than it is the Open procedure? I am assuming so since its not one large incision, after my GB surgery I had to slither out of the bed so it wouldn't feel like I was popping my incision open...    — doit 2. (posted on April 1, 2003)

April 1, 2003
I have had a couple of open and lap surgeries over the past several years and have found the lap to be the easier of the two as far as scaring, recovery and pain. The hospital stay was a bit longer with open, and of course the scaring is more so with open. However, I have noticed that even open surgeries have improved over the years as I have had two open disc surgeries on my back-10 years apart and the size of the incision for the one 10 years ago was twice the length than what they do today. Now if they could just figure out how to do a tummy tuck laproscopically..
   — Cindy R.

April 1, 2003
I had an old gallbladder removal also, and I found it to be much worse than the vertical RNY. It takes longer for diagonal scars to heal. Mine is still numb after 15 years.
   — SarahC

April 1, 2003
I had an open GB with a very large incision about 26 years ago and it was awful. I was really dreading the postop pain of the open RNY because of those bad memories. And it was no where near as bad this time around. Pain and nausea control have improved so much over 26 years that there was no comparison.
   — sandy L.

April 1, 2003
Jean, I'm not sure as to comparison of pain, but I had one surgery LAP and another OPEN, and LAP was definately easier recovery and not as painful. Also, my open incision got infected, so that could be another factor why lap was easier for me. But you don't realize how much you use your stomach for EVERYTHING, until you can't use it! Goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

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