Can you still take Adderall for ADD post-op

I was wondering if you can still take Adderall after surgery. I have stopped taking it for the surgery out of fear of complications, but I just want to know if I can start back up after.    — jovialkiki (posted on April 21, 2003)

April 20, 2003
You should discuss any questions about medications with your surgeon. And that would include any questions about what you can take pre-op and post-op. It's not a good idea to just quit a medication unless the doctor tells you to - and it might not be necessary. Most medications are ok pre-op unless they cause excess bleeding. Before making any decisions concerning your medication, consult your surgeon's office.
   — Patty_Butler

April 21, 2005
Hello. I've been taking Adderral since about a week after my surgery. I had to switch to the non-XR version and increase my dosage a bit, but it's been fine for me. Joseph
   — Ice_Ohio

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