Has anyone who is a caregiver for a family member gone through this surgery?

I am the sole caregiver for my elderly mother, and while my brother is coming from out of state to take care of her for the first week after my surgery, I'm on an emotional roller-coaster regarding my upcoming date. I know I'll feel better when the surgery is behind me and I'll have more energy and feel better...still, there's feelings of guilt and fear that something will happen to mom while I'm recuperating. Help!    — Patti S. (posted on April 22, 2003)

April 22, 2003
I have the same arrangment here with both my parents.And my sister lives in another state. I told both my parents what I was going to do.And I made sure I scheduled all my pre-op around my dad's chemo, plus my surgery as well. I have also let their DR know as well.I have made arrangement for the church to bring in meals for them while I am in the hospital. As for the guilt your feeling your not alone.It helped me greatly when my dad told me if something was going to happen it would happen with or without me here.I hope it helps. Autumn
   — Autumn

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