Does the protein powder have to be fully dissolved in the liquid?

When I make my protein drink in the morning I like to use as little liquid as possible... I'm not a big fan of the taste of the protein. So, I usually end up using about 1/2 cup of water or milk. Sometimes the protein is still a little bit clumpy when I drink it. Is it still effective then? Or does it need to be fully dissolved in the liquid to be effective? I was thinking that as long as it gets into my system, then it's fine, but I thought I better check and see if anyone has heard any differently. Thanks!    — Renae (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 23, 2003
What kind of protein? Do you shake it up? Small lumps are ok, but if they were big balls, I'd question them a bit.
   — vitalady

April 23, 2003
Original poster here... It's Pro Complex. I stir it with a spoon, and the lumps are small, but it's not like it's COMPLETELY dissolved, you know? I don't mind the lumps, I just want to make sure that I'm not cheating myself out of the protein. I don't like using the blender because I don't have time in the mornings to wash it after every use, so it's easier for me to just stir it into a bit of milk or water. Thanks for any future feedback!
   — Renae

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