Who has made it to goal and how hard was it as opposed to other diets?

I'm just wondering how easy or difficult it was for the post ops who made it to their ideal weight, and how difficult was it as opposed to other times they lost weight. I am two weeks pre-op and have been on every "diet" plan imaginable but never made it to my goal. I would always get stuck... seems my body has a magic number and it would stop there. I'd like to break that pattern, and was wondering if anyone had that same experience? Thank you...    — Happy I. (posted on May 1, 2003)

May 1, 2003
I lost 150# in about 13 months, then wandered a bit for 6 more months, then settled. I don't "diet". I avoid milk & sugar, ate 5-6 tiny meals til goal wt (but not grazing), didn't drink while eating, and use protein supplements (as well as vites, of course). And that's still what I do, basically. But at almost 9 yrs, it's 4 meals and they're bigger than that. Still do protein supps (& vites), no grazing, no milk, no sugar. This isn't even in the same ballpark with the diets pre-op. The lowest I got was 25 lbs more than I am now and that was starving and eliminating all foods I enjoyed. I can live with the limitations I have now, no problem at all.
   — vitalady

May 1, 2003
I made it to textbook goal and well below the goal that I had set for myself. I have never been able to get to the point before where I had a "normal" BMI. Even after a fasting program where I lost 130# or so, I was not able to get below 170lbs. So, I would have to say that I have been more sucessful than I would have thought and although I excercise regularly, use protein supps., and eat properly at least 85% of the time - it hasn't been as difficult as I would have thought! Good luck.
   — Jean K.

May 1, 2003
With previous dieting, I was unable to get under 180. I never thought it was possible. Now, at 140, at goal, and loving life!! This tool that we are given sure does make it easier to control portions. Its not easy as their is still responsibility on your part to make the right food choices, not to over-eat your pouch size, and to be diligent in taking your vitamins. You are still working for your goal, but it is certainly a lot more attainable than without WLS!
   — Cheri M.

May 2, 2003
Lisa, many of us have been in the same boat! Although I'm not extremely long-term, I am almost a year post-op and just reached my goal weight of 130! It has been extremely easy, I am fully aware that maintaining won't be this easy, but I'm prepared. I eat healthy and I exercise, but I also allow myself treats and snacks, so I live like a "normal" thin person, although I am different internally. I, too, have done everything to diet including unhealthy means, and was scared that I could be the percentage that this doesn't work for. But I honestly think that as long as you truly change your habits to healthier- not dieting, just better for you, and exercise, you can maintain a healthy weight for years to come! Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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