I dont generally dump but WOW

I dont dump, just feel a bit icky. I will be 2 years out in july. At a flea market today I ate part of ONE brownuie. It was 30 cents. It tasted too rich, but gee did I dump. Thought I was having a heart attack. Came right home and slept for a hour. I would love to know what was in that brownie to wipe me out so bad. i always wondered what dumping really felt like. Now I know:( Has this happened to others?    — bob-haller (posted on May 3, 2003)

May 3, 2003
Yep, me too. I am 2 years out and I dump worse now than I did early out. I ate some ice cream last week and was wiped out for a couple of hours. Miserable!! (And I work in an ice cream factory! Good-Humor-Breyers; all the good stuff!) Hard to resist sometimes. My wife is diabetic so I used her blood glucose meter to see what my sugar did during dumping. As soon as it started, when heart was beating fast, nauseous, sweating, it was about 250. 1 1/2 hours later it was 54 and I was very tired. Interesting.
   — Randy L.

May 3, 2003
Nice to know that tool is still working isn't it? Same here a couple months ago after daring to have a little too much sugar. I was driving on the freeway and had to pull over at a rest stop for an hour!!! And I rarely dump. Lesson learned!
   — Kimberly L.

May 3, 2003
I'm a 2001 wls post-op and yes I dumped the other day, the first time in along time, I now find I have to be VERY careful with things I could get by with early on, after it was all over with though, I found myself smiling at the thought that my tummy tool was still working. :)
   — Rho

May 4, 2003
I dump on sugar easy. I have dumped on sphagetti sauce, mac n cheese and even SF products. I was like you, I get really sick and then go to sleep. I have not had this in a month now and I even took a bite of cake(without frosting, but it still had chocolate sauce Mmmm lol)and had no problem. I really don't understand why I can eat cake and not sphagetti?! Just have to keep playing food roulette I guess. Also, already made brownies are usually made with corn syrup and sugar, bad combo! That's why I don't eat out anymore, you just don't know what's in the food :o) Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

May 4, 2003
You know Bob, I seem to have the same problem. I'm 1 year post-op and generally do not dump on many sugary things. But when I eat a brownie, and NEVER can eat the whole thing, I feel horrible! I haven't checked, but I'm thinking maybe they have more sugar than a normal treat; brownies tend to be richer than most things, I wish I knew the exact answer. But it happens like clockwork if I have a few bites of a brownie- needless to say I've learned to stay away from them!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 5, 2003
I'm 4 weeks postop and I have only had dumping when I eat something sugary right after I've eaten something solid. If I eat sweets on an empty stomach, they don't bother me. Somebody (who had the surgery 10 years ago) told me the other day that dumping gets worse as you get further out. Your body becomes accustomed to not having very much sugar and that's what gives you dumping. Something about still having a normal insulin reaction soon after surgery and it reducing as you get further along. Does that make sense?
   — macanudomiss B.

May 5, 2003
I'm like you with just feeling icky, and perhaps tired when I have too much sugar, so I try to keep it to under 15 grams but sometimes you don't know the gram amounts like with a brownie. Last time I had the full fledged dumping-shakes, sweats, nauseous, dizzy, etc was at 4 months post-op with liquid sugar (white chocolate mocha from Starbucks). Once you have had an experience like that, its not one you want to repeat, hence, no more white chocolate mocha's or really any liquid sugar again! Guess you won't be eating brownies for a while, Bob?
   — Cindy R.

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