What are some of your favorite 'travel foods' to take on trips?

We're leaving for a visit back home this coming weekend. I am 11 weeks post op. I would love suggestions for food/snacks to take on the 12 hour drive and to also keep at the hotel...Or take out idea's? Thanks a bunch :o) Josii*    — meltedbuttr (posted on May 12, 2003)

May 12, 2003
Hi, I am 14 weeks post-op, and i like to snack on from time to time cheese-its that come in a box, their wonderful and you could also buy any other variety of crackers plus they now sell the sugar-free cookies from snack wells they are good too. And, at walmart, they sell the bit-size reese's peanut butter cups that come in sugar-free and hershey's too ,but just watch how much you eat at once, you could also always take a cooler too, and put some yogurt or other items in there. As for out to eat places, I do well with eating at Long John Silvers fish and cole slaw or KFC, or Wendy's salads. Good luck on your trip and hope this little bit of info. helps out.
   — Melodee S.

May 12, 2003
I travel for a living, here are some items that i take on the road with me...pure protein bars, box of special k and matza. I often visit a local grocery store to pick up some oranges and bottled water. I always ask the hotel to send up a small refrigrator so i can keep things cold.
   — Alexandria D.

May 12, 2003
I travel all the time. The places I ate out was usually a truck stop where you can order one egg at a time or if they has chili or soup. I carried protien powder and bottled water for protien drinks and snack food like string cheese, cottage cheese, little fruit cups, yogert, fresh fruit, sometimes some crackers and some nuts.
   — Rya M.

May 12, 2003
jerky, cheese sticks, croutons( low fat..carbs ar not even close to chips), protein bars. small individual serving cans of fruit. Sunflower seeds, peanut butter and crackers. maybe a few pretzels. peanuts. f you have a cooler in our car, the posibilities are endless.....tuna, boiled eggs, lunchmeat, chicken breast....
   — cherokey55

May 12, 2003
Beef Jerky, crystal light,fruit 2-o, pb crackers, cheese stix, water, (if you can tolerate boiled eggs) fruit.
   — Jackiis

May 13, 2003
Jossii, My Favorite travel foods, Corn nuts,Detour bars, 1 cup bags of cold cereal, yogurt (if you can keep it cold) apple sauce, Peanuts, (I weight them and then place them in 1 ounce bags) Prevents me from eating too many of them..... Sun flower Seeds, Banana's, Fruit ( oh gosh I love friut) didn't like it pre-op but now I can't get enough of it ! I don't do the beef jerky anymore, seems I've eaten to much of it, that I've killed the taste Ewe! ... Just remember on any long trip, get out and stretch as much as possible, When my husband and I drive to California, which is about a 3 hour drive, we get out and strtech every hour and 1/2, keep you ankles moving and the blood flowing... Enjoy your trip. Hugs :) Post op almost 12 months down 130 pounds
   — tannedtigress

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