Irritable 16 weeks post-op, anybody else?

I am 16 weeks post-op Lap RNY, down 70 pounds. Lately I have been so short tempered with my boyfriend and also very irritable. Are my hormones just trying to tell me something or s this just a stage everyone goes through?? Please help.    — Rachel W. (posted on May 21, 2003)

May 20, 2003
That described my wife well. :( If your on any prescription drugs check with your PCP the dosage and such may need changed since your loosing so much weight.Congrats on the great loss.
   — bob-haller

May 20, 2003
Rachel - make sure you are taking your vitamins/supplements regularly. They really do make a difference! I noticed once I became a faithful vitamin taker, my PMS symptoms and overall day-to-day tension eased a lot! Studies are showing that a good calcium supplement with magnesium & D can ease PMS. That's why Tums came out with that special formula for PMS (but we can't take that one, need calcium citrate). Also, make sure you are well hydrated. I notice even the slightest reduction in my water intake makes me feel "off." 70 lbs in 16 weeks is great! Congratulations! - Anna
   — Anna L.

May 20, 2003
The rapid weight loss is dumping hormones from your fat cells into your body (I remember hearing estrogen specifically). This could be what's going on. Hang in there, it gets better.
   — mom2jtx3

May 20, 2003
We had surgery 2 days apart and I am in the same shoes! I feel fat again and crabby and just sullen in general. This started about 2 weeks ago and it actually seems to be wearing of gradually. I think that it is the slowing down of the weight loss for me. I am now down to 2-3 pounds a week instead of 4-5 and it seems so slow and the reality of having to lose 40-50 MORE pounds seems daunting. Also I think that I have said for years that after I get this weight off I will do this and that and now it is time to get those things started and it is overwhelming. I agree with the whole hormone thing too and the hair loss does not help. The focus has come off of the weight loss so much and is back on regular lifes' stresses and it is a hard transition for me. I am having a harder time being regimented with my food as far as keeping to a schedule goes and I think it is just time to get back to basics! Good Luck I can totally identify and as I said it is getting better for me pretty rapidly. I am trying to let the mind catch up with the body and appreciate the progress! That is a tough one to do!! :o)
   — Carol S.

May 20, 2003
Oh My - Just call me "Estro-Zilla!!" My poor husband has deserved a meadal over these past 2 months! I'm 18 weeks, given away 76 pounds. I sure hope it gets better - I'm just glad I'm not alone. I feel your pain sister, take care!
   — Tracy H.

May 21, 2003
I'm now about 8.5 months out and remember my son (13 years old at the time) saying that since surgery I'm meaner than I was before. My husband never said anything, so either he dealt with it or didn't dare say anything. I don't know if it was the fact that I couldn't eat to comfort or the fact that I also gave up my cig's as well. I began to realize maybe I was more short tempered than before, but it does get better. Probably lasted a good 2-3 months. Good Luck, God Bless.
   — Jeana S.

May 21, 2003
Oh man, It's nice to feel normal, Reading that every one else is mean, cause oh, I've been so mean, seems it's started at 6 months post op, and it comes and goes, I'm not sure what it is, but gosh I'm the devil ! Horns and all. I even went as far as asking my doctor for some medication to tame the mean beast inside, he prescribed me Wellbutrin, didn't do a thing to me other then make me feel like I was fuzzy head, and un-easy tummy, (Puke) ..... The mean streaks are still there, and so is my WONDERFUL husband for putting up with me..... Man talk about a rollercoaster.... Hope this mean streak goes away soon. :) Post op 12 months
   — tannedtigress

May 21, 2003
Hello Rachel - It's been 4 months since my surgery and my mood swings are nothing short of UGLY!! Linda Blair wouldn't stand a chance right now if her role was up for grabs. If you're too young to remember - she's the exorcist queen of hissy fits!<br><br> I'm finding even my stand-by "precious look" isn't bailing me out of my temper tantrums like it used to. Methinks the hubby has seen too much of *it* lately?!? Hang in there, I hear it really DOES get better! In the mean time - just hide the bodies [wink]...... : )~
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 21, 2003
Eeeek! You mean, post-op, I'm going to turn into Martha Stewart?!? (Did everyone see that movie?) Oh well, at least I'll be around to torture my family, LOL Mea :o)
   — Mea A.

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