My doc said I have severe sleep apnea

My recommended setting for the machine is only 8. I have read about people who have a much higher setting. Do you think this will delay my surgery??? And if so, how long?    — gail nelson (posted on May 24, 2003)

May 24, 2003
The setting on your cpap is not indicative of how severe or mild your apnea is....I believe that the range of settings is from can have have severe apnea and only need a low setting to correct it or you can have mild apnea and need a higher setting.It is different for every person.It just depends on how much airflow is needed to inhibit your own particular situation.Most surgeons do require you to be on the cpap for at least a month before surgery to get your blood oxygen levels up to normal.
   — jennifer A.

May 24, 2003
The previous poster is correct; the setting doesn't correspond to the severity. Sleep apnea is a co-morbidity which WLS may help or even cure. It should in no way keep you from having surgery, but the surgeon and anesthesiologist need to know. I had to take my CPAP to the hospital and used it every night. Just make sure no one tries to fool with the settings. The hospital where I had my surgery was so used to WLS patients with CPAP's that I had no problems.
   — Janis D.

May 24, 2003
My cpap has a pressure setting of 10 and I had no problem getting sugery. I am eight days post op and have lost 31 lbs.
   — Gene F.

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