Embarrassing question for ladies about vaginal dryness

I am 10.5 weeks post op and down 60 lbs. I take one benedryl every night due to severe sinus allergies, and it also helps me sleep. I have noticed since surgery vaginal dryness to the point of being irritated. Anyone else experience this and how did you remedy it? I am 39 years old and periods are regular. Thanks.    — Happy I. (posted on July 25, 2003)

July 25, 2003
It could be the Benedryl.......When I take antihistamines or decongestants thats what happens. Vaginal tissue is a mucous membrane, and anything that dries the mucous in your nose can affect the vagina as well
   — Linda 1.

July 25, 2003
I'd see the OBGYN for this. It could be any number of things from the benadryl to a yeast infection (from antibiotics) to perimenopause to ??, all easily taken care of by the doc!
   — Chris T.

July 25, 2003
I would also recommend a trip to the GYN or your family Doctor. Rememeber as we lose weight our homones change. The levels of estrogen change and that can cause anything from depression to vaginal dryness.They can check to see what your hormone level is and if it is low or high. In women this estrogen being at a normal level is so crucial to our bodies. I also think the benedryl may not be helping the situation.Try Perscription Zrtec for you allergies. It works great.
   — Jan S.

July 25, 2003
I would also recommend a trip to the GYN or your family Doctor. Rememeber as we lose weight our homones change. The levels of estrogen change and that can cause anything from depression to vaginal dryness.They can check to see what your hormone level is and if it is low or high. In women this estrogen being at a normal level is so crucial to our bodies. I also think the benedryl may not be helping the situation.Try Perscription Zrtec for you allergies. It works great.
   — Jan S.

July 26, 2003
I bought this cream at GNC called Vita Cream- it is in a pink package- only takes a dab...but besides being a hightenes sensations....give it a try -
   — ~~Stacie~~

July 27, 2003
Lisa, vaginal dryness can be abnormal in some cases but is also part of the natural aging process and can start in the early 30's. If it is that bothersome, I'd check with your OB/GYN. Good Luck!
   — Lynette B.

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