How to Take Meds With Food without Crushing?

I have to take 4 new meds with meals. No crushing. They are nasty tasting so I need to take some water with them. I feel horrible afterwards. If I don't take with meals they make me sick. If I do take with meals, they make me sick. Between the meal, the pills and the water, I just feel like throwing it all up. None are avail in liquid. Any suggestions?    — susanje (posted on August 8, 2003)

August 8, 2003
How about adding them to a protein shake and blend extremely well in a blender? I tried doing that with my regular vitamins and it worked great.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 8, 2003
What meds are they? Depending on what it is, it may come in smaller dosages, in other words, 50 mg instead of 100mg. You might have to take more pills, but it might be easier on your stomach. If it's an antibiotic, perhaps it can be changed to something else. Maybe a little more info would help bring in some suggestions.
   — koogy

August 8, 2003
Try to split the pills in half or fourths. I take two of mine with my oatmeal or other food in the morning. It's the only way it will stay down without water. Also, my nutritionist told me that taking my crushed pills (during that phase) with a small amount of Cool Whip was okay too. Also, there may be other alternatives to the brand of meds you are taking that can be crushed. But again, the nasty taste of some crushed pills just isn't tolerable no matter what you do. Good luck!
   — Starrlina

August 8, 2003
I assume no crushing is becuase the medicine specifies "so not crush". So seeing that it seems you are in a pretty rough situation, maybe taking the pills 15 minutes before or after your meals might help a little. The water and pills wouldn't make you fill so full but there should still be some food in your tummy. I wish you luck...hope things get better.
   — Sarahlicious

August 8, 2003
Just realized you said "no crushing". Could you take the pills with milk? That would help coat your stomach.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 8, 2003
Ask your pharmacist. They can probably help you in this situation. They may even be able to concoct an easier method of ingestion. I know some people who have their medications made into suppositories so they don't have to have them orally.
   — Susan R.

August 9, 2003
I find if I take my pills, whether they are capsules or tablets, with hot decaf tea, I can get them down without a problem. The tea seems to soothe my tummy. (I do add some splenda)It helps the pills dissolve faster so you don't get that "stuck in your throat" feeling.
   — dimpkd

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