Does anyone know if medicare pays for surgery over age 60?

I am a 1 week posr op. I have 2 aunts over age 60 who want to wls. One aunt called my docs office and was told medicare will not pay for wls for people over 60. Anybodt though anything about medicare age restrictions.    — bransonboy (posted on October 9, 2003)

October 9, 2003
My mother in law was told the same thing so she made sure that she had her surgery under her old insurance before she went on medicare. She was 64 when she had her surgery, and only 3 days from her 65th birthday.
   — M B.

October 9, 2003
If they refused to pay based on age I'd fight it tooth and nail! They paid for my father's penile implant when he was nearly 70 because his inability to umm perform impeded his sex life and detracted from the normalicy of life. To refuse it based on age is discriminatory and something that the government is not allowed to do.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 9, 2003
my best friend had surgery last year at 61. She only had medicare due to disability.
   — Delores S.

October 9, 2003
Yes Medicare will pay for the operation. They do not pre approve, find a surgeon that will take medicare and have the surgery then they will pay. I had it on 6/20/03 and I am 66 years old.
   — Jim O.

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