I would like to hear from those 2-3+ years after surgery and how are you doing?

I am considering surgery and have begun the long process to getting my insurance to pay for it. I was wondering if there are people out there who still check in to this website that may be years out from surgery. I was wondering how you are doing, if you still kept your weight off, etc. Thanks so much!    — Carrie C. (posted on October 12, 2003)

October 12, 2003
Boy time flys, I am nearly 2.5 years out. My profile is complete. I am sad to report its possible to gain if you ignore the rules. The good news is I am loosing it well. Feel so much better! My surgeon said I was at goal at 195, I went on to bottom at 179 pounds doing heavy exercise. I bounced back and looked better to mid 190s but gained to 205 thanks to the devils food oreo cookie bars:( I now weigh 197 and am getting more exercise, eat less junk, and think before eating. I am one of the board moderators and struggle to have enough time to remain here. People move on with their lives because when were MO we miss out on so much. Freed of the fat we get back to living!<P>WLS is the BEST decision I ever made!
   — bob-haller

October 12, 2003
I'm 9 yrs out, still at goal wt (about 110), still doing what I did to get here. For a fast overview, you might want to subscribe to the Grad list. You can only lurk, not speak, but you can see where the pits are. Which revise due to mechanical failures, which due to wrong surgery for them, which get back in control, which do not. There are people over 20 yrs out on that list........
   — vitalady

October 12, 2003
I'll be 2 years out as of 11/5. The time has truly flown by. I started out at 248 and I weigh 125. My weight fluctuates between 124 to 128. You still have to watch portion sizes but the surgery makes it easier. You also have to exercise.
   — Patty H.

October 12, 2003
My younger daughter and I are 3.75 years post-op lap RNY and are happier, healthier, and more active than ever before in our adult lives! She started at 406 lbs. (BMI 70), and I was at 325 lbs (BMI 47.4). We both hit our goal weights between 12 -15 months post-op, then over the next year re-gained approximately 10 lbs. and have maintained that ever since. Our surgeon told us to expect the's the body's way of "finding an acceptable balance". For us, and the other three people in our family that have had lap RNY since, this is the absolute best decision we ever made! Best wishes :-)
   — Diana T.

October 12, 2003
I am 6 years post and still the weight is off. I was a size 26 and now a 10-12. I lost 115 lbs. I am very happy and healthy and doing very very well. I can eat normal food just in small amounts of course. I personally can tolerate all types of food. I do know many after the surgery some can't handle some type of foods. But I would do it again in a heart beat.
   — christine M.

October 13, 2003
Hi there! I just celebrated my 3 year anniversary in August. I've lost 135-140 lbs. and almost reached my goal. My goal was 150 and I'm at 157 right now. I did get down to 152-153, but gained back about 5 lbs. because I was eating the wrong stuff and found myself grazing. I actually got back up to 164, but my tummy tuck and liposuction got rid of about 7 lbs.<p> However, I feel better and look better at 157 than I did at 152. At 152, I was a bit tired, my butt hurt when sitting on hard surfaces, and not only did my family think I looked too thin and was starting to look ill, but when I look at pictures of myself of me at that weight, I think "yuk!"....look at my face how gaunt! Anyway, maybe God made me eat to gain that little bit of weight back, but I really do feel better at this weight.<p> I tolerate very little sugar (6-8 grams) but then sometimes, even that much will make me sleepy and I can't hold my eyes open....and for this I'm grateful! Sugar was a big weakness for me before surgery. Fat doesn't bother me.<p> For me, as I'm sure it is for all of us, this was a very big decision. I would do it again in a minute! Actually, the majority of my weight came off the first 10-11 months and then the rest by 14 months post-op. And I can honestly say that it was pretty easy. do have to be careful, because as time goes by and you find yourself getting into those old habits, the weight will come back....but at least we know our weaknesses and know what will happen and if we see that scale creep up a few pounds, we know we better do something about it now rather than keep letting it creep up and the next thing we know we've gained 20 lbs.! Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

October 13, 2003
Hi...I'm 2 years, 2 months out, and started at 316lbs, lost 166lbs, down to 150lbs, and then bounced up to where I am now, which is between 155-158lbs, and I've maintained this for the past year. Went from wearing 30-32 pants and 5-6X shirts, to M/L shirts and size 8/10 pants. I am doing great! I come to this website daily, usually to the Q&A and the Before and After picture sections. I don't read thru the journal updates much anymore, and I update mine every now and then at milestones. It was the best "selfish" decision I've ever made for myself, and would do it again if needed. I can't imagine where or how I would be had I not done been given this great tool....Good luck! Denise :o)
   — lily1968

October 13, 2003
I'm 2 years, 2 months out. Was 305 pre-op, got down to 155 (my surgeon's goal), but over the summer gained about 5 pounds as I stopped working out (just lounged by the pool ;) Working on getting that off w/ the South Beach diet (great for post-ops IMO). I can gain very easily, so need to be extremely careful with refined carbs, but I'm maintaining a normal BMI by being careful. I wear an 8/10 depending if I'm up or down those 5 pounds. I'm healthy, and all my comorbs have been resolved.
   — mom2jtx3

October 13, 2003
I am 31/2 years post. I went from 350 to 155 (I am 5'9), most of it in the first year. I gained a little back, then lost it & more when I had a tummy tuck. I had been having a fair amount of vomiting, which got worse over time. When I finally had an endoscopy, the Dr found a quite large ulcer. He said it had probably been causing the vomiting & trouble almost since the surgery 3 years ago. Apparently, the ulcer was right at the top of my pouch, where food leaves the esophagus & enters the stomach. That area becomes inflamed and swells, pretty much blocking the area & causing the vomiting. So, the moral is that vomiting is NOT normal & if you're having vomiting, you should have it checked out. But, I've been on a prescription for a couple months & the vomiting is MUCH better now. However, I have also gained a few pounds back, around 10 pounds. I am on a campaign to lose them & am back at the gym regularly & getting ready for ski season. I sure don't come to this web site as often as I used to, I am MUCH. much busier than I used to be & my life is very full. This surgery has totally turned my life around; it has been the best decision I ever made. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I can now do anything, literally ANYTHING I want to do. I learned to ride a stand-up jet ski this summer & had SO much fun playing in water....yes, in a swimsuit!! :) New bounce in my step, love in my is good.
   — Kathy W.

October 14, 2003
as of 10/03 I was 2 years post op. Went from 265 to 135 in one year. I am still at 135 and I struggle to stay there. I am one of the few that fight to keep weight on. Over the first year I had to have my galbladder and and ulcer removed. I have in the last few weeks developed an unusual pain in my left side that the docs are still trying to figure out what it is. I would do it again tomorrow and the next day. For the mental effects alone it is worth it. I rarely think about my weight anymore. That kind of freedom is priceless.
   — RebeccaP

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