Beverages without Citric Acid?

I'm trying to find beverages (besides water) that I can drink post-op that have no or very very low amounts of CITRIC ACID. . . . I'm noticing that I'm have trouble with orange juice, instant s/f ice tea, Crystal Light tea and lemonade, even s/f Kool-Aid because they have citric acid. . . . Has anyone found something that is nice to the tummy yet is s/f and caffine free? . . . . It's going to be a very long year on water only. . . . I'm pre-pre-op and just planning ahead. . . . I can barely drink diet colas now because they tear up my stomach (only with food and only 1 a day). Diet Sprite is my best frind:-}    — Marrilee M. (posted on October 15, 2003)

October 14, 2003
I like the propel waters have you tryed them the orange and strawberry kikwi is my fav.
   — wildbrat

October 14, 2003
Be careful to check all your labels. Propel does have citric acid in it.
   — magicaldragonfly

October 15, 2003
I find it interesting that the amount of citrus in Sprite doesn't bother your stomach...I doubt the amount in propel will bother you either then. It's a small amount. There are many citrust free flavored waters on the market not too mention decaf (or caff) coffees and teas. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 15, 2003
I was NO ACID pre-op. Had not had OJ or such like for many years (ulcer queen since childhood) Once post & all settled, because there is no acid in a small veritcal pouch (to speak of), I can now drink all that stuff (except the OJ and high sugars, of course). Crystal Light sits easy now. Ironic now that I COULD dirnk OJ and I CAN'T drink OJ. But hey, to be able to drink it but weigh more? I can settle for s/f Tang!
   — vitalady

October 28, 2003
I'll be surprised if you can drink any soda at all. The only ones in my support group that can drink any soft drinks are the long term post ops and they have to be almost flat. Be careful. The bubbles can do a number on your pouch.
   — Katherine B.

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