Today is my six month anniversary from surgery... why do I feel blue?

Hi everyone. Maybe I need a little kick in the butt, or a hug. Today is my six month anniversary from surgery and I'm down a whopping 107#, and wear a size 10. I have NOTHING to complain about with that, but I feel so "all over the place" emotionally. I am so weepy today I can't stand myself. Anyone else going through this? Please... either kick my butt or someone give me a hug. You guys are the best and I appreciate each of you. Your struggles, advise, successes and love have meant a lot to me the past several months, pre-op and post op. God bless you all.    — Happy I. (posted on November 13, 2003)

November 13, 2003
Can I kick your butt please?? Now that I am 5 months post op I can kick pretty high! LMAO!! Seriously, 107 pounds in 6 months is ALOT of weight in such a short time period. I am sure that your hormones are just out of whack until your body stabilizes. A few months ago, the hormone prolactin went sky high in me and I actually started lactating. YUK!! I would have rather been a boo hooing mess then have my boobs producing milk. Talk about embarrasing!! Good luck and big hug!!
   — S A.

November 13, 2003
Lisa, Congratulations on your wonderful success!! Sondra is right....our hormones go bananas with the rapid weight loss. Think about it: Estrogen is stored in fat cells. We have been dumping fat cells like crazy! Everything is completely out of whack and will take a while to stabilize. If you don't feel perkier in a week or so, call your doctor. There are plenty of meds and SSRI's that will help tremendously. I did the same thing at about 5 months. Again, congrats on your terrific success! Size 10's now ~ WOW! Way to GO!!!
   — chelle3081

November 13, 2003
Even the guys here go through the emotional rollercoaster of rapid weight loss that you describe. Sometimes I wonder if because we believed for so long that every issues, problem, woe and worry we had was due to our weight problems (right?) that we expect that they should all disappear after we lose our weight. Intellectually, we can draw the distinction and tell ourselves not to have unrealistic expectations, but it's tough to forego years of praying that our weight problems would end so that our lives would improve. Today, for instance, I filed an application for a client; the city official who took the paperwork critiqued it mercilessly (he has a different understanding of the applicable law) and was insulting (and incorrect). When I was heavier, I would have gone toe-to-toe with the guy and fought to convince him that I was right (after all, I had to overcome that bias that people feel toward the obese); today, I was just shocked that someone like me who looked "normal" would be treated poorly-- after all, for years I thought that thinner people were supposed to be treated better. So, I spent a few hours with hurt feelings until I reached in my desk drawer, pulled out a giant rubber band and told myself to snap out of it. Now, Lisa, there is certainly no moral to this rambling of mine except to use our pity parties to re-evaluate whether our expectations are reasonable and to guard against using them to justify resorting to food for comfort. Other than that, you seem to be as emotionally healthy as the rest of us.
   — SteveColarossi

November 13, 2003
Hi Lisa, Well I can tell you that us guys do go through the same emotional rollercoaster ride like the woman do. I went through it for about two months and sometimes feel like jumping out of my skin like I am sure you do at times. It will get better as times goes by and I was even taking anti depresents for it but they only helped some, time worked better for me. As for the kick or hug well I am all for the hugs so if you need one its yours so just let me know where or how to send it or if you want come up here to the cold of upstate NY and collect it but one thing bring a heavy coat because we had our first snow today and its cold. (((HUGS to you))) Tony
   — tonyskid

November 13, 2003
Hi Ann, The answer to your question to free you from depression is to give God some serious praise. When you give hime the praise that depression demon will flee from you. I mean even if you have to go into your room and shut the door or even in a closet...start praising God and you will feel a 100% better. I promise it works for me!!! Be blessed. Jaunine Nelson Jackson, MS Claiming the Victory for my Surgery
   — onepowerfullady

November 13, 2003
Hi Lisa! I understand being down in the dumps! I was very down in the dumps on my 6 month anniversary as well for some reason. I do believe it has to do with everything we are putting our bodies and minds through. I wanted to be down 100 pounds by my 6 month anniversary, but I wasn't. I was down just over 90 pounds. But before my 7 month anniversary hit, I had made it to the century club. Now just a few days past my 7 month anniversary, I am down 103. You should celebrate your new body, and do something for yourself. You have come so far, you should be proud of yourself! I give praise to God, and feel so very blessed to be able to have this opportunity as I am sure you do as well! BIG HUG! 100+ pounds is a lot to take in!:) Feel free to email me anytime! God Bless! :)
   — EHarding

November 14, 2003
Original poster here... Thank you all for your hugs and sweet encouragement. Again, you all have been the biggest blessing to me. Much love to all of you! Lisa
   — Happy I.

November 14, 2003
Hey Girl, Which would you prefer, kicked or a hug? I can do both but I prefer hugs!! You have sent your body into a tailspin honey. I still do the same thing now & then but I think you level out some as your weight does. You look good and feel so much better but the rest of your life remains the same. For some reason everyday stress seems a little worse sometimes..Ask my poor hubby..He has gotten a royal butt chewing a few times for no reason..Blame it on PMS and smile honey!! Enjoy the weight loss process, its a wonderful thing and it sounds like you are definitely doing it right!! Good Luck!!
   — Sharon1964

November 14, 2003
Congrats on the 6-mo loss! I'm right at 6 months too and have had many emotional ups and downs. Last Friday I got on the scales and had not lost in 2 weeks. I didn't realize how it affected me until later that day. I visited my old workplace and saw several people who were so impressed by my weight loss and full of compliments. I tried to be gracious but I couldn't enjoy the compliments because of my bad mood. What a maroon. So here is that kick in the butt for both of us. Let's get out of the house and see a funny movie or go to a comedy club. Shake our booties on a dance floor or in a gym. See old friends and laugh about old times. Do SOMETHING to get us out of our emotional morass and into life. After all, isn't that why we had this surgery? To enjoy the rest of our lives? So get out there and do it girl! And I will too.
   — Carole V.

November 14, 2003
Hi Lisa, i was reading your post and u sound like a wondeful person. I myself have suffered from depression for many years. Its a tough battle. You have to remember a couple of things. one being a single mom is hard, there are so many emotions that go with it...and yes it gets lonely. i know also the b vitimin really affect a persons nerves and emotions...have u checked to see how they are, alot of times depression is a chemical thing, and often taking antidepressants has saved so is not a weak or bad thing to get to your not procrasstinate any more with your councellor...write a small journal take not of your period, what u did during the day and what u ate...they all can contribute to your mood, often when i have written things down i look back later and can see apatern of when i started to feel down.....moods are often like our weight where we sometimes need to take charge of them... were you alone on the day u turned 6 month post...maybe u just wanted asomeone there to share it with u...maybe deep inside u felt down about something, are you happy at where your at...maybe u just had some if i lost weight i would be totally happy, these are just guesses for me...but just trying to think of what may get me down... just remember you are a wonder woman with a great spirt...need to talk write me anytime Hugs Dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

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