Please, give me some suggestions on Weight Training!!!!!!!!

Hello, im 9 months post-op -84lbs, and i love it. I want to know what is weight training, is it when u use dumbells while exercising? If that is the case, I do 30 minutes of taebo everyday, except when im lazy and i don't do weight training, but i have the weight bar which is 2lbs on each ends and 4lbs in the middle, it comes apart. It is The Firm weight bar. Is that something i can use when i do taebo or should i get something heavier? Please tell me what types of exercises i can do for weight training. Thank u all in advance for your input 260/176/144-150    — sexysag37 (posted on December 7, 2003)

December 7, 2003
Rita, Weight training is simply adding weight to your workout for a muscle toning/building effect. You will not build large muscles using small weights, but you will tone and burn more calories. You can use 2-5 lb dumbbell weights while you do taebo, or even when you do a 30-45 minute walk. Using ankle weights while you do pilates type exercise on the floor is another inexpensive way to ad some weight for muscle toning to your work out. Ideally, if you belong to a gym, talk to a trainer about what would be the best muscle toning workout for you. I personally do 30-45 minutes at 4 mph on the treadmill using weighted shoes (specialized shoes made for walking that have 2.5 lb weights in the bottom of each one). This is an excellent leg toning work out for me and I don't have to spend a ton of time doing other leg work outs. I also do some light arm toning weights at the gym. Using your muscles, especially the leg/butt muscles helps to burn more fat in your body over all. I hope this helps. Lisa A. Lap RNY May 13, 2003 291/177/140
   — Happy I.

December 7, 2003
I suggest getting the book "Fit for Life" (you can also check it out at the library. It is written by a body builder and has WONDERFUL info on weight-training in the most effective way. Have fun!
   — MissKimberly

December 8, 2003
You can get lot's of info on weight training especially geared toward women here: <p> <p> She has a quirky sense of humour, so beware (nothing profane, just off the wall at times).
   — Ali M

December 8, 2003
Funny you should mention that site, Ali. I just stumbled across it last night and found it fantastic! She is geared more toward serious weight lifting than light toning, but she makes the mechanics of diet and exercise very easy to understand if you like to know how things work. You might want to invest in some hand weights...I usually pay a little more for the plastic coated ones as the other ones are tougher on the hands. Anyway, if a gym is not an option for you, do an internet search for different exercises, pick up a copy of the magazine Oxygen for January that has an excellent at home workout in it. There are tons of options...and no, women don't get bulky (without drugs)! :)
   — Rachael B.

December 8, 2003
Even better, if you belong to a fitness facility or have a recreation center nearby that has a fitness facility in it, ask to make an appt with a fitness instructor or personal trainer. They are well worth the time as they will specialize a workout just for you. Also, many,many people do not use the weight machines correctly (poor posture, not breathing correctly, too much or too little weight used) which doesn't allow them to get the maximum benefit from their workout. A personal trainer will get you started correctly.
   — Cindy R.

December 8, 2003
Get a trainer. Even if it is only long enough for them to show you how to use the gym machines without hurting yourself. They can also show you caliethenics which will help you cardio and muscle-wise.
   — mrsmyranow

December 8, 2003
Thank u all for answering my question, i will definately check out a persona trainer in my area, when i get the time. thanks again
   — sexysag37

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