one year and down 125 pounds

Not really a question, just some general comments. I went through the WLS open RNY one year ago, weighing in at 378, i now weigh 253, i am 33 pounds from my personal goal, not sure where the Dr. wants me or do i care. I am very pleased with what i have done and where i am in my loss. The plateaus were killers, especially the one that lasted for 5 weeks. I thought i was gonna bite off someones head. I probably could have lost more if i would have exercised, but i have a artifical limb that has been getting bigger as my leg has been shrinking. I have been getting it resized to makeup for the loss in weight. They now tell me that i need a new leg, which is gonna cost me about 5000 out of my pocket for my co-pay, but worth it in the long run. The surgery has been the best thing i have ever done, and regret not having it done 10-15 years ago. My life has changed so much and the worst part was going through a divorce. the changes in lifestyles are good and some bad when dealing with spouses that are not quite ready for that change themselves. I lost a woman i loved at one point but felt she was holding me back in a lot of what i wanted to achieve in my life, so we parted as friends. Now my life has been blessed with someone who wants to be more energetic and do more in the way of being more active. Doing more off the couch and outside. Being more supportive and open to the new challenges of a fast changing life style. Spouses need to change with their WLS spouse. As a Man going through the surgery my energy level increased as well as my sexual energy, it was like someone slipped me a steady dose of viagra or something. I felt so revitalized. So young in my changing body. I hope any one reading this will understand that you need to put all your fears aside and go with the surgery and take that life altering challenge. Take that step to becoming a new person. I have no regrets, and wish everyone good luck. This a great web site, and it has helped me along the way, answering many questions that needed answered. So keep it going.    — keller W. (posted on December 10, 2003)

December 10, 2003
Congratulations on a fabulous weight loss during your first year. As far as exercise, would water sports be something that you could do? Just a thought. I think you have great advice for those who are fearful of taking this step. "Take that step to becoming a new person". Well said.
   — Cindy R.

December 10, 2003
I'm 2 weeks post op and still going through "what have I done to myself" phase. Your message is encouraging to me. Hopefully I'll feel better about it all before long.
   — pdx1cjg

December 10, 2003
Thank you for your post. I have one week until surgery and have been experiencing a lot of fear and second guessing myself. Thank you for your words of success and encouragement. Best of luck to you on your continued journey!
   — MissKimberly

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