How much have your food bills gone done since WLS

Just curious if your grocery bills went down and appox. how much?    — Vitabella (posted on January 2, 2004)

January 2, 2004
Hi. My food bills at home haven't changed too much. There are four of us in the house, and I still cook for everyone, just eating smaller or modified versions of what I cook for the others. In fact, I seem to spend a little more, experimenting with some of the protein supplements and meal replacement bars, etc.. The place that my food bill goes down is at work. I don't order in with the others nearly as much, and tend to bring in things from home to keep in the refrigerator so I won't eat things that I shouldn't.
   — Fixnmyself

January 2, 2004
Not really because I buy everything fresh, not processed. Nothing with high fructose corn syrup, palm oil, additives, preservatives, etc. The cheap stuff-- pasta, bread, etc. I don't eat anymore.
   — mrsmyranow

January 2, 2004
they have went up, with the protien suppilemts and ythe vitmens and the fresh food and the meats and n more cheapie packaged noodles and other carby snacks my food bills are higher, also thre is more waste i do not want to eat somehting more then a couple of time i get sick of it, does not taste good to me anymore, so there is osme waste. do not plan on your food costs going down else you may become dissapointed
   — janetc00

January 2, 2004
i wouldnt say that my food bill at the grocery store has gone down because i have to buy yogurt, cheese, all kinds of things i never bought before. however, my expense of eating out... ALMOST GONE! i would spend 5-8 bucks a day on eating out. now, if i get anything on the run, its a 99 cent chili from wendys and i can get 2 meals out of it. in the beginning, you will have to buy lots of vitamins etc to get started. but the expense eventually evens out :) markita open rny 11-11-03 minus 60#'s as of 12-19
   — Markita M.

January 2, 2004
I am over 2 years post op and have found the further out from surgery you get the more expensive your grocery bill gets. That is not a bad thing, it is just a change. I now buy all fresh things, veggies, fruits, milk, meat, yogurts, cheese, etc that I didn't buy before. And yes, supplements and protein also play a role. The further out you get the more need you will find for balancing your diet. Initially, I had all that 'excess' stored fat to carry me through but I don't have that any more. Even though I spend more, it is well worth it to me, I have my life back and I feel wonderful. So to answer your question, you food bills will go up.
   — purdue_1993

January 2, 2004
My grocery bill has gone down. I haven't averaged it, but I know I don't have to go to the store nearly as much as before. I'm 4 mos. post-op, so I'm still in the phase where I'm not eating all that much and, when I do, I concentrate on the protein. When you live alone, as I do, preparing "real meals" gets very discouraging very fast. I've tried to be "good" and make real meals, but when 90% of it gets wasted, that doesn't happen much. I've found that if I go to Sam's or Costco and get my meats, they last forever. I may have to run into the grocery store to get milk or water (found the Minute Maid light lemonaid - finally something in a can I can have!), but other than that, the grocery trips have gone down from $80-$100 every other week to maybe $40-50. I'm sure as the appetite comes back, the grocery bill will too, but for now, I'm enjoying the vacation from the check-out line!
   — Ryan M.

January 2, 2004
I go to the store alot less now, so I guess my food bill has gone down. I shop at the military commissary and go about once a month and spend around $200, and that stayed about the same, but before surgery, I was out of most food at about two weeks, and would spend about $150 at a store in town,now the food I buy at the commissary last the whole month. So I guess the answer would be that I save about $150 a month, and I am now 5 months post-op. Yes, the cost of protein shakes and vitiamins, B-12 and calcium is more than I use to spend, the supply last for two and three months, so that can be broken down and added to your food budget. Also, you are not buying the sweets and soda, so that kinda balances out the cost of supplements.
   — cindy

January 2, 2004
With a hearty appitite-d husband and two young kids, I haven't seen the grocery bill go down much. I do throw away a lot more left-overs now. He doesn't eat them, and I use too. Eating out has lessend dramitically though. If I have anything more than chili, I share the entire entree with my kids. SO eating out maybe a little more than half priced now. Eating at home, maybe a little more expensive since I go for leaner cuts of meat, and more fruits and veggies. A friend of mine though, her grocery bill was cut in half. She only buys one box of hamburger helper now. She use to eat one herself and the other was for her husband and kids. Guess it depends how much you ate preop.
   — candylnd24

January 2, 2004
Not so much my weekly grocery bill as our family is still eating. I find I am saving a lot of money by not eating out. Now I bring my food from home to work, before I would order in at work at $10 a day and add the other daily fast food, coffee's, soda's etc...I am easily saving $15-$20 a day....but you also have to consider vitamins & protiens etc. It helps me justify all the new clothes I have had to spend money on!
   — nani68

January 3, 2004
My grocery bill is down a little. But when I eat out I can buy a reg. meal and take it hame and have 2 or 3 more meals for myself or my hubby has a meal out of it.We went out yesterday and Hubby had a chicken dinner for $5.50 and I had a large bowl of potatoe soup with 6 saltines for a $1.50 not bad considering I brought home about 1/4 of my soup.
   — charanewme

January 3, 2004
My "food" bills seem to be down, overall, because I'm not going out to eat nearly as much. Even when I do, I bring back enough food for 1-2 additional meals. However, I do spend a lot of money on protein supplements - powders/bars, etc. My doctor wants me to have at least 80g of protein supplements per day, in addition to about 80g of protein from regular meals. This really adds up; I'm sure everyone knows those supplements aren't cheap (or even that good, for the most part).
   — Grace B.

January 3, 2004
Hehe. Well, my food bill went down quiet a bit, and then I discovered that I -love- Sushi. I like it because I can sit at the sushi bar and only order as many peices as I can eat. The downside is, sushi is expensive, so overall, my food bill hasn't gone down that much I guess.
   — Greg P.

January 3, 2004
I didn't notice any difference in our food bill. But then I never paid much attention to it to begin with. As far as eating out....that expense has remained the same. I order what I want, and if I don't finish it...oh well..I take it home. I have always taken my lunch to work, so I can't really say I saw any savings there either.
   — RebeccaP

January 3, 2004
Well, at 9 months out, my grocery bill hasn't decreased very much since we are a family of 6..including 4 boys!! AHHH! My eating out bill has decreased since even though, I'll order whatever I want, I may share it with my kids, or bring it home for leftovers, I don't order the appetizers, drinks and desserts that I used to!! Cuts the bill down by about 30-40%.
   — denisel

January 4, 2004
I'm 8 weeks out and our food bill has decreased almost to nothing. We stopped going out to eat (why bother?) and I haven't really cooked but maybe 3 meals since the surgery. (I have a very understanding husband!) He eats alot of soup and sandwiches. With what we saved in food bills, we were actually able to pay for all of our Christmas expenses without charging or taking money out of our savings. I'm sure that I will again be interested in going out to eat and I'm sure that my husband will start to want meals again, but in the meantime this is great! We could've saved a small fortune if I would've stopped eating a long time ago! :)
   — JaimeO

January 5, 2004
I'm 6 1/2 mos. post op Lap RNY. I definitely dont have to shop as often as I used to, but I usually spend the same amount as pre-op. I buy quality meats and vegetables and those items are very expensive. The big problem for me since i'm single, everything goes bad before I can finish. I cook small portions and freeze a lot, but even what I cood never makes it past the left-over stage. So in the end I think my expenses have increased considering I buy better quality and most of it goes to waste. Add another $50 per month for Protein supplements. I'm definitely spending more.
   — Regina J.

January 5, 2004
since my surgery I have decided that since I eat only small amounts to focus on higher quality foods. I eat as many organic foods as possible. I eat alot of shrimp and other fresh seafoods. I eat ribeye steaks as they are the best tasting to me. they are also high priced. I eat fresh veggies and fruits every day. My grocery bill might be higher than before.
   — **willow**

January 13, 2004
Gone down?? Mine is up, plus I waste so much food now. Ouch. ;)
   — Danmark

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