Please answer this question for me.

Ok, to some of u this maybe a elementary question but i need to know. When you exercise (cardio)in the morning? Does it burn calories from the day before, or does it burn the calories from what your going to eat that day? Im 11 months out -96lbs and im having the worse time of my life trying to lose these last 4lbs. I do taebo every morning for 30 minutes and it burns 446 calories in 30 minutes, doing it moderately, and i eat sensably. i get in all my water,1 cup of carb countdown *yummy*, protein from food, vitamins. In order for me to lose this weight, i can't put a wrong type of food in my mouth at all, or i will gain weight right back the next day. I know for me, for the rest of my life i don't want to be on the south beach regime forever, but right now this is the only way i can lose the weight. Im 4lbs from my goal of 1 year out and im 14lbs from my life long goal. so please help a sistah out here.    — sexysag37 (posted on February 6, 2004)

February 5, 2004
Hi Rita, I really don't think it's as simple as trying to assign which calories get burned first. Your body continually burns calories thru out the day as it needs them. Mostly for basal metabolism stuff (breathing, digestion, temp control, all the little regulatory things that go on). I have read studies that say by doing cardio in the morning, a person raises his/her basal metabolism for the day. But I have also read studies that contradict that and say it doesn't matter when you exercise, anytime is better than none. For me, I know if I get up and do it in the a.m. I am more likely to get it done and I feel better all day (more energy). However, I have not been able to do that in a while, so I walk on my treadmill after work. I am more likely to skip a day that way, but I still manage to get in 3-4 days/week. <p> Sorry this probably didn't answer your question, but I wish you all the best to get to your goal(s).
   — Ali M

February 5, 2004
Hi, this probably won't help, but I've been wondering that myself in a way. If you search online you will see that everyone is divided. Some say am some pm. One thing I have found common is that if you exercise in the AM and lift some weights your metabolism is boosted and you burn all day. So I would think AM exercise you'd be burning stored calories and helping burn some new ones that day.
   — gary viscio

February 6, 2004
I don't know if it burns calories from the day before, or the day "of," exercise (though I can't figure out how it would matter in the long run). I've read that it's better to exercise in the morning (though I'll never do it, lol), but like the calorie question, I can't figure out why that would matter, either. The most important thing is doing it at all. :-)<P>It sounds like you have a great regime going. But, if losing that last four pounds requires that you eat in way that you can't live with in the long run, or that you do something funky or weird with exercise that you wouldn't enjoy doing, or couldn't keep up for very long, I'd quit focusing so hard on those four pounds. Heck, for some people, that's a normal "fluctuation" range. And don't forget you've got excess skin, probably, too -- a fact we should all take into account, realistically, in picking a goal weight.<P>It always troubles me how much we all obsess (and I did, too, for sure), over those last few pounds, when we started out 100+ pounds overweight in the first place. Seems to me the mental price of the frustration over those last pounds is far too high, especially if it distracts us from learning how to live with our new size and how to maintain it (which is a far bigger issue, in the long run, than losing it).<P>OTOH, maybe you could just shake up your diet a little bit. For instance, if you're a cereal eater, substitute eggs in the morning instead. Just one little change in your diet might, over a couple of months, knock a pouch or two off or you without you having to feel deprived to get there.
   — Suzy C.

February 6, 2004
Ummmm ... knock a "pound" or two off, I meant to say. (The pouch, we kinda wanna keep around.) Nice typo ... sigh.
   — Suzy C.

February 6, 2004
Cardio burns calories during. So if you ate breakfast it'll burn those. Weight training adds muscle which burns calories all day long. It also adds weight to you, but decreaes your mass.
   — mrsmyranow

February 6, 2004
Thank you all for your answers. I was told yesterday by my weight watcher instructor that if u do cardio in the morning, it burns some of the calories from the day before and it will burn some for the same day. I want to try to start weight training. I have some weights from The Firm package. 260/164/150-160
   — sexysag37

February 8, 2004
Go back to the basic only protien and veggies no sugar no bread or carbs or sodas and plenty of water. God Bless, Connie Lee
   — CONNIE L.

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