Mood Swings

First of all I thank each and everyone of you for I Lap Rny 4/22/03 have lost close to 100lbs. but what is really bothering me is my mood swings and its not even time for my (monthly) and have been raving at my kids and DH. for anything or everything..had blood work done and everything seems to be fine so i guess what im asking is whats going on? Im almost 11mths out will this continue? I hate being such a meanie, noone wants around me right now.cant say i dont blame them? helppppppppp..    — Sheila W. (posted on March 8, 2004)

March 7, 2004
Sheila, you don't say in your profile how old you are but sounds like hormones, hormones, hormones to me. Don't know that blood work will necessarilty show imbalances. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about it. There are many, many products available to help with mood swings. Good luck on finding something that will help level the moods.
   —  SCbabe B.

March 7, 2004
Wow, I could have written this question. I wasn't exactly known for my sweet nature before the surgery, but now I'm a complete and total b*tch and I can't seem to control it. I lose patience easily, inconsequential things irritate me. Just as I am writing this, I'm seething at a co-worker because he's coughing too loudly. Yes, ludicrous I know, but there it is. Unfortunatly, I tend to take my furstation out on people closest to me (my parents mostly) and while they do forgive me after I apologize once I've cooled down, I am really afraid of permanently ruining my relationship w/ them. My doc blames the hormones released during the weight loss and assures me it will go away eventually. I'm thinking of having him write me a note to that effect so I can present it to people in lieu of an explanation whenever I fly of the handle. Dare to dream, I guess. Hang in there and for both our sakes let's hope our loved ones hang in there with us.
   — Julia G.

March 8, 2004
Your doctor will tell you that hormones are attached to fat, so you are smacking the heck out of them by losing so much weight. Talk to your physicial about a mild anti-depressant, too. I had to take one when I started into peri-menopause and am glad I have the medicine to regulate my moods. Are you old enough to be starting menopause? I also will inform you that this surgery stopped my periods all together. Another great reason I love my life so much more now!
   — Gail G.

March 8, 2004
Hi Shelia. I not only could have written this question, but a few months ago did or at least one very similar. I got the same responses that you've gotten so far. I don't have much more to offer, but to say that it does get better. My surgery was one year ago March 14th. About months 7 to 9 was when I was at my worst. I thought that mine might also have to do with the addition of birth control to the problem. I contemplated going to the dr for medication, but chose in the end not to. My moods have evened out considerably as my weight loss has slowed. I know this isn't much in the way of info, but maybe it will be a comfort to know that it will get better. Good luck to you!!
   — Jaime H.

March 8, 2004
Hi! I am almost 5 months post op now and have started with hot flashes and night sweats. I was all done with all that 2 years ago, but with the rapid weight loss, they are baaaack! Bummer! I know once my weight stablizes it will improve, but I really don't like dealing with them all over again. Nice to know that I am not alone though.
   — doglover

March 9, 2004
Fat cells store estrogen. As you lose weight, it releases the estrogen and your body is trying to adjust to all the influx. The ONLY thing to counteract it is endorphins. SO my question is, are you exercising?? This is totally normal and some people get depressed and some people get crazy and some get BOTH! lol...Also, you might want to talk to your PCP about something like Zoloft.
   — Jeanne S.

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