I would like to know if this was caused by dumping.

The other night I had a glass of champagne and I blacked out twice. I was sweating and my stomach was cramping. I had my blood levels checked January of this year and they all came back normal. Has anyone ever experienced this before. I have a drink occasionally but will never drink champagne again.    — Marti M. (posted on March 8, 2004)

March 8, 2004
Sounds like it, though I'm not sure about the blacking out, but when I dumped a few months ago, I sure felt like I was going to black out. Champagne can be very sweet so it's not unlikely.
   — Yolanda J.

March 8, 2004
I had a similar experience with wine - and not much of it. I will never go near it again since my WLS. As much as I miss having wine, champagne or a cocktail, this is all still worth it.
   — kultgirl

March 9, 2004
tons and tons of sugar!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 9, 2004
I would think it is dumping but not from the sugar since thats how the alcoholic beverages are made. The sugars are converted to alcohol. So actually there is virtually no sugar. But.... the bubbles in the champagne I would think would stretch your pouch and make you feel as though you drank pure sugar. Maybe try wine or flat champagne instead next time. Also the alcohol goes straight to my head as it seems to be absorbed to the blood stream much sooner than it used to.
   — jenafwife

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