Anyone still make it to goal being on synthroid?

I had went in for my 11months check up and had all blood work to be checked everything was fine im Lap Rny 4-22-03. down 99lbs. but she said that thyroids can vary back and fourth (thats why they check the blood) she said that is why Im one of the slower loosers but did anyone also loose slow while being on Sythroid?and still make it to goal? I've been working my tail end off and still only lost 12pds in the last 3 months..Protein, water,and lots of excersise..Im 5ft6 and 203lbs.anyone go threw this?thank you all..god bless    — Sheila W. (posted on March 19, 2004)

March 19, 2004
I've been on Synthroid for 28 years - even since a partial thyroidectomy in 1976. I had a open RNY on 07/17/02, so I am 20 months out. I've lost 219 pounds total and 206 since my surgery and am 8 pounds away from goal. I certainly don't think that if your thyroid levels are normal while on synthroid that it should affect your weight loss one way or the other. It certainly hasn't been the case for me...JR
   — John Rushton

March 19, 2004
Since you have a messed up thyroid, I have to ask - do you avoid or severly limit soy? Not a lot of people are aware how badly it messes with your endocrine system and the thyroid in particular. Just an FYI. You can find LOTS of info on this by doing a google search on "soy thyroid" or the reverse. The FDA has an interesting article out on it as well. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 19, 2004
The medical community seems to think there is no correlation between thyroid function and weight loss or gain. I say there is. If you are on enough Synthroid, it shouldn't have any effect on losing weight one way or the other. However, most docs tend to be very conservative in prescribing thyroid hormones. (When I first started having problems with my thyroid, my regular doc was hesitant to treat me, but agreed to start me on 50mcg of Synthroid to see if it made any difference. In the mean time, I made an appointment with an endocrinologist, who checked my labs and started me on 150mcg of Synthroid.) I also had to switch to Levoxyl, because my symptoms of hypothyroidism started returning after about 6 months on Synthroid.) And, I might add, Tooter is correct - soy protein binds with thyroid hormones, making them unavailable to be utilized in your body. I work with a young, slim woman who is a vegetarian and eats a a lot of soy products. She began to feel run down, so had labs done. Her TSH was over 15 (very high), meaning her pituitary gland was pumping out the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone in an effort to get her thyroid to produce more and keep things in balance. I personally avoid obvious soy products, since there is already soy in just about everything that is processed for consumption.
   — koogy

March 19, 2004
I've been on synthroid for 10 years. I made it to goal in 10 months (-125 pounds). I've maintained my weighloss for a year and a half.
   — Patty H.

March 19, 2004
Sheila, I have been on levoxyl for several years. I had VGB on 6/11/03 and weighed 215 lbs, with a weight now at 125. Good luck to you..Janice
   — betterfitness

March 20, 2004
Sheila, I agree with Susan and John's answers. Yes, you must find the correct dosages. I also was a vegan, but choose to give it up because I was too lazy to find out what worked and did not work with Synthroid and my thyroid situation, which is completely nonfunctional. I am 3 months post-op and down 68 pounds as of this writing (just left my doctor's office). I lost about 28 pounds and that seemed consistent for a long time. However, I continued to start my day with protein (50+ grams). There is no "good" protein - you have to find the one that works for you, I finally found Isopure vanilla and I add fruit or whatever flavor I want. After my plateau - the weight started coming off again. I think the protein has allowed me to feel great and I have not been tired since week 2 post-op. Work with your endocrinologist to find the right sythroid dosage and don't forget your protein. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY.
   — Anna M.

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