anyone gained weight back

I was just wondering if anyone out there or if you know of anyone that has gained alot if not all wieght back after surgery.    — Carrie W. (posted on March 21, 2004)

March 20, 2004
Yep, I know 2, one gained 60 and the other 100. The one that gained 100 dieted it back off. She said her "tool" worked well, but it was the grazing of junk that got her there.
   — ZZ S.

March 20, 2004
My surgeons group has never had anyone gain ALL the weight back, but there are some heavy post ops:( Grazing on high calorie junk foods like pop and milkshakes while not exercising is a sure way to miss use your tool and gain weight back. Its a TOOL not a get out of fat free card:( If you check my profile which I just updated today I have to work at remaining thin. But without the RNY I would certinally still weigh over 300 pounds rather than 194. The original poster is a pre op. Its fgood your asking this question! That means you are aware odf the possiblity and will hopefully work at loosing it all and keeping it off. Good luck WLS was the BEST decision I ever made!
   — bob-haller

March 21, 2004
Yes. My sister in law's father gained back, I'm guessing (from how he looks) most of his weight back. He refuses to acknowledge that the gain was HIS fault for eating poorly. Originally, he lost something like 190 lbs in a year and got down to like 180 or so lbs. Then started to eat the same old crap like McDonald's and what not. He started to gain back slowly. Before he knew it he was over 300 lbs again and unable to control his eating. He had surgery 10 years (or more) and was able to maintain his weight for about 2 years before going back to old habits. And a cousin of mine lost a little over 100 lbs in about 6 months. A year later was looking to have a revision because she gained back all her weight. Again, no exercise and poor food choices. She was constantly overeating (she admitted to this). She had her revision in September of 2003 and so far is losing much slower than before but seems to be doing better diet wise this time around. People need to remember that this is FOREVER, not until you hit goal. It will be a CONSTANT concern in our lives. We must ALWAYS eat right or else regain.
   — Renee B.

March 21, 2004
I know someone who gained most (if not all) of their weight back. Now I don't know exactly how she ate, but I did know she often ate junk food and snack cakes. I don't think that stuff will do you that much harm if it's occasionally a treat, but you can't eat junk like that all the time.
   — Patricia T.

March 21, 2004
Hi Carrie. I had bypass surgery in 1993 .. lost 130 lbs -- never got down to goal weight, but I looked and felt good -- kept it off for a couple of years, then started to gain it back. I've gained back all the weight and even more co-morbidities. HELP!
   — Kay M.

March 21, 2004
Which surgery? If its the VBG thats pretty common:(
   — bob-haller

March 21, 2004
My friend had Open RNY about 8 yrs ago and is now MO again with most if not more comorbidities (sp?) She is in bad health all due to her bad eating habits. Her surgery is intack but she has LEARNED to out eat her tool. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 140+
   — Siddy I.

March 22, 2004
I'm dealing with a 15lbs gain right now. I'm dieting and exercising and its slow in coming off. But I'm getting back on track after slacking for a few months. My sister had surgery 15 yrs ago and she has gained most, if not all of her weight back. She never exercised and continues to eat junk. She never did lose it all either. I'm determined that will not be me!
   — Kris T.

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