Tell me what a elliptical trainer is and what does it look like

I have been hearing of this machine but i dont know what it looks like and i think we have on in our gym. Thanx for the answers    — sexysag37 (posted on April 11, 2004)

April 11, 2004
An elliptical trainer can be built in a few different ways. There are some that have handle bars that swing back and forth when you run on them. They have two places that you put your feet which move individually from each other. There are precor machines that do not have movable handles but there is a ramp that increases in height and intensity so you can run up a hill or on the normal incline. I do not really know how to explain them other than this. If you look around your gym they are guaranteed to be there and if you are uncertain how to use it just ask because they are really good machines. You will not hurt your knees or shins because they are no impact machines. Good Luck they are great fun.
   — Shani A.

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