is ther anything special i need to take to the hospital with me?

   — karon C. (posted on June 21, 2004)

June 21, 2004
Less is Best :-), Slippers, Lip Moisture, Cell Phone(s), DVD Player, Computer, Radio. Biotine mouth rinse, Biotine toothpaste and biotine mouth gel if the hospital does not provide. I bought an extra pillow to help me lay on my side and stay put. Its best to move around as much as possible when laying down, it helps with the gas. Just remember to walk, walk walk, as much as possible. Listen and follow all instructions from staff.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 21, 2004
Unless complications, you probably will not be there for more than an overnighter and much of that your either sleeping or walking. I brought stuff I never touched like a book. Slip on slippers and loose clothing to wear home, some lip balm, have someone bring you a pillow to use for the ride home to hold against your tummy, and the best investment ever, a small personal fan. Hospitals are so hot and it was the most comforting feeling to have that small tabletop fan blowing on my face. I did have a People magazine and may have glanced at that for a bit.
   — Cindy R.

June 21, 2004
I agree with the "less is best" theory :) Make sure you leave home any valuables (like rings, watches, etc.) I just had my husband stick my insurance card in his wallet. Other than that, the hospital provides eveything including those nice socks for your feet! I did bring one magazine to read with me since I was in for 3 days with my WLS. Chapstick is probably a good idea too since my throat and mouth are always majorly dry from the intubation during surgery. Good luck!!
   — emilyfink

June 21, 2004
Aside from the suggsetions already given, I'd be sure to bring a package of baby wipes ot Lever 2000 soapy wipes. They are a good way to freshen up while in the hospital. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

June 21, 2004
One of the best things I brought with me was a back scratcher that I bought at Linens N Things. I wound up getting the "itchies" from the pain medicine (a common side effect). But not being able to reach certain places becasue it hurt to move would have driven me NUTS if I didn't have that long handled scratcher. Incidently, it came in handy also when I couldn't reach "other places" right after surgery. Just wrap a bunch of wet-wipes around the end and I was good to go!! Good Luck to you!
   — Patricia G.

June 21, 2004
I took several things, and the stuff I used the most, or the only things I used were: CHAPSTICK!!! and a battery operated fan. I was soooo hot after surgery, the fan really helped a lot. I took the regular toiletries so when I was given the ok to shower, I had my own stuff. I also was on a CPAP so I definately took that.
   — Pookie B.

June 21, 2004
I took too much with me, the hospital provided me with chapstick, lotion, shampoo, mouthwash, tooth paste, tooth brush. I would definetly take a small fan, light reading book or magazine, walkman radio/cd, loose fitting clothes to wear home, slippers to slide your feet into, and a cell phone. Best wishes --you will be so happy!
   — debmi

June 21, 2004
Take your driver's license or other picture ID and your insurance card, but be prepared to send them home. Like the others said, no jewelry (if you can't get your rings off, they will tape them on your finger). I packed a bag and had my husband leave it is the car. He took the clothes I wore to the hospital in the bag they give you and put those in the car while I was in surgery (gave him something to do). Later, when I was in my room, he brought in the bag I had packed. I had deoderant and some cosmetics, lip balm,my toothbrush,brush,sip on slippers with non-slip soles, a magazine and comfortable clothes to wear home and I also bought a cheapy robe another size larger than normal to wear in the hospital. I didn't spend much time in bed, but walked, and I liked wearing a robe rather than 2 gowns. When my DH had surgery, I had him get some loose, elastic waist shorts and that made him a lot more comfortable.
   — koogy

June 21, 2004
All great ideas -- I had surgery in November and used a fan -- the hospital was so hot! One suggestion I haven't seen -- a calling card or pre-paid calling card if you are going to be any distance from home. I couldn't use my cell phone in the hospital. I was about 35 miles from home and all calls to family and friends were considered long distance. DH went to Wal-mart after I got out of recovery and bought a $10 pre-paid card. Just a suggestion for long distance if you need it. Good luck -- and welcome to the otherside! Lisa 298/194/165
   — LisaL.

June 22, 2004
All those suggestions are great - but the main thing that you need to remember to bring is ... a good attitude! The other stuff will help, but if you don't have a good attitude about everything going on with you and around you, then your time in the hospital will end up being a very bad experience! Just remember that you are doing this for you (and if you are like me - that was the first time in my life that I have ever done anything just for me!!) and you are getting ready for something that you had wanted for a very long time! Good Luck! Danette
   — Danette C.

June 22, 2004
   — Kitsy I.

June 22, 2004
A big robe that opens in front. Easy to get on/off slippers. Chapstick. A friend who's not afraid to speak up - to watch over you...Diane N
   — DianeN

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