What can I drink other than Slim Fast Lo Carb Drink?

This drink causes vomiting and severe abdominal cramps and pain 30 minutes or so after drinking. I am pre op! Was told to drink this twice daily and eat sensible supper to shrink liver prior to surgery. I can't drink this, any other suggestions that might help so my liver can be shrank before surgery?    — MsFish (posted on July 20, 2004)

July 20, 2004
Getting severe cramps from anything is not good. Who told you to drink that? Your Doctor? When is your WLS? If it was your Dr call him and tell him what is happening and see what else he wants you to do. If it wasn't your Dr, call your Dr anyway and let him know what you've been doing and ask him if it sounds right. I think at this point that's where you will get your best answer. Good luck to you :-)
   — KellyJeanB

July 20, 2004
Do you have problems with lactose? If so, it could be that the milk from the drink is causing the cramping. You can try SF Carnation Instant Breakfast, or a good protein drink like an Atkins shake. All are along the same lines as the SlimFast (meal replacement).
   — MomBear2Cubs

July 20, 2004
You might want to try a lactose free protein supplement (powder) that is mixed with water. It really sounds like a lactose reaction. The "real" protein powders are MUCH less expensive to use than cans and the "numbers" are way better. All around a much more satisfying experience.
   — vitalady

July 21, 2004
there is a drink called carb solutions, it is pretty good.It has 21 grams of rotien,get it at walmart it's pretty cheap.good luck
   — peggy T.

July 21, 2004
Have you thought about trying Nectar Protein Powder? It's juicy instead of milky. You can make a drink out of it - dip sugar free popsicles in it or eat it right out of the tub! It's a great alternative to lactose based or milky type drinks. Just a thought. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

July 21, 2004
Its the 'weight loss' NOT the drink thats going to shrink the liver... pick a 'diet' you can do and do it...
   — star .

July 21, 2004
Lisa, My surgeon recommended that I not eat anything white, bread, sugar, pasta, rice, potatoes, you get the picture and I lost 13 lbs 2 weeks before surgery. Kinda did a South Beach type diet lean meats, green veges no fruit. THis was to help shrink my liver I hope this helps I never did a protein drink before surgery, Nancy
   — nefish

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