Why can't I eat?

I am two months post op. I have lost 41 pounds. For the last three weeks I can't eat. Each time I eat, I throw up mucus/phlegm. I am taking slow bites and chewing well. I was able to eat I even threw up the yogurt. But liquids will stay down. Any ideas or helpful suggestions.    — Karen M. (posted on August 24, 2004)

August 23, 2004
You need to be checked out - your in 'stricture' alley time frame.. most likely you have a stricture... they can be gradual and they dont get better by themselves.
   — star .

August 24, 2004
Hi! You know my friend had the same problem and it was because she had an obstruction. I would call the Dr. ASAP.
   — Traci H.

August 24, 2004
i was back in the hospital fo this with a complete blockage. she your dr, you need a GI series ASAP.
   — traceybubbles

August 24, 2004

   — Shelly R.

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