11 mons pos-op 71/2mons preg. experiencing severe abdominal!

   — la W. (posted on November 28, 2004)

November 28, 2004
I'm sorry if you think this is harsh, but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ASKING SUCH A QUESTION HERE??? Besides my being astonished that you would allow yourself to get pregnant so soon after WLS and being such a high BMI to start with, WHY are you asking for help about something that so OBVIOUSLY is an EMERGENCY and requires a call to your OB/GYN, surgeon and possibly 911 here on a low-traffic message board?? Are you NUTS?? Or are you just a troll trying to start something?
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 28, 2004
i totally agree with Diana. I can't understand it when people have a true emergency and waste precious time sitting on the computer begging for help that none of us is qualified to give. The rest of you, call us rude if you want to but this is sooooooooooooo a DUHHHHHHHH thing.
   — Delores S.

November 29, 2004
I have to agree with the other posters who responded. PLEASE call your surgeon, PCP, OB/GYN, or get yourself to an emergency room. DON'T WAIT!! I had severe abdominal pain (I wasn't pregnant) and it turned out to be a small bowel obstruction that required surgery. I do want to comment though on the harshness of the other posters. Telling this woman that she is "Nuts" or that she is doing a "duuuhhh thing" is quite mean if you ask me. There are much better ways of encouraging this woman to get the help that she needs without resorting to name calling and making her feel inferior. How do you expect her to post a not so urgent question in the future if she gets these kinds of responses on a question that is so obviously an urgent situation? If you ask me, I feel you two owe her a deep apology. And if I ever post a question here on this board, I would apppreciate it if you two refrain from responding. Thank you and Good luck
   — skennedy

November 30, 2004
I agree...CALL your doctor ASAP! As for the other posters...I doubt very seriously she got pregnant on purpose that soon but accidents do happen and it's something she's dealing with! I have three children and the 2nd and 3rd were BOTH conceived while I was on birth control I was taking the pill (and NEVER missed a dose) when I got pregnant with my son and getting Depo shots when I got pregnant with my daughter. Needless to say after that we went with a more permenant birth control. But, it happens...calling her names is not helping the situation!
   — Miss S.

November 30, 2004
La Williams...please let us know how things turned out. Did you find out what caused the pain? What did your doc say? I hope all is well...I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Kim open RNY 7/17/01 Due with Baby #1 7/1/05
   — KimBo36

November 30, 2004
i stand by my post and as far as her posting in the future on obviously urgent matters, her time would be better spent on the phone to her doc that sitting on a message board. DUHHHH was about the nicest thing I could say . believe me, I refrained from what I really wanted to say to someone that would do this.(waste time) Don't worry, I won't answer any of your questions or comments because you apparently don't like answers that tell it like it is. I didn't say anything about her getting pregnant because I know accidents can and do happen. I was only concerned that if it was truly an emeergancy, she had no business wasting time on here.
   — Delores S.

December 1, 2004
La- I am just over 5 months post op. I too am pregnant. I am 10 weeks pregnant. As for the other post who was not very nice, sometime even with precautions you can get pregnant. I was doing everything i was suppose to to not get pregnant, but it still happened. As for the abdominal pain, i am going through the exact same thing. First they (drs) thought it was a gallbladder attack (thats when i found out i was pregnant in the ER), then they thought it was an ectopic pregnancy and now theyt don't know but prescribed pain medicine to help me get through until they can run more tests. I am sorry you are feeling so much pain. I am also sorry that you came someplace that you thought would be safe to ask a question. I can give you a very freidnly website to go to for postops who are pregnant and you will find on this site that there are quite a few people who are in our same situation. La take care and see a doctor as soon as you can and may you have good luck on the rest of your pregnancy and congrads. I know for me it is a miracle to be pregnant because I was told I couldn't have anymore kids. here's the link to the site i was talking about: If it doesn't work email me and i will help. Take care.
   — Virginia D.

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