Hard time post-op!

I am 10 days out and SO depressed. I want soda and food and to just be "normal" so bad! When will it end??? I think I completely lost site of why I did this.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on March 13, 2005)

March 13, 2005
Get a grip on yourself! You just had a serious surgery, you can't expect to get back to normal eating and drinking for a while. But trust me, you'll be ok, soon your eating options will be more extensive and you'll feel more 'normal'. Until then, stop the pity party; I'm sure you researched WLS and you knew that there would be major changes in your life. Just follow your doctor's orders and find ways to keep yourself busy. Good luck!
   — vitoria

March 13, 2005
Even though it has been over two years since my surgery, I remember feeling just like you. Your feelings are very normal for many of us. This surgery has a bigger impact than we can understand preop. Give yourself time, consider getting into a support group or individual counseling. It will get better with time but it is a huge adjustment. Reading other profiles on this site helped me the most. Best of luck with your journey finding a healthier you!
   — cathy G.

March 13, 2005
I was the same way for about a month after my WLS. I have friends who were depressed the same way. My therapist helped me so much. Once you start dropping weight faster than you could ever imagine, you'll wonder why you were ever depressed. Some of us just can't help the depressed feelings. Don't beat yourself up about it. Get some professional counseling and pray, pray, pray. You will be fine. I promise!!! Good Luck.
   — juju524

March 13, 2005
Keep your chin up. Make a list of pros/cons on 'Why You Had WLS' (I did it pre-op but post-op should be equally as helpful). Also, ask your doctor if you can have diet soda. Mine has no problem as long as it's flat. Best of luck, A.
   — AA

March 13, 2005
Keep your chin up. Make a pros/cons list of why you had WLS (I did it pre-op but post-op should work just as well). Consider asking your doctor if you can have diet soda. Mine has no problem as long as it's flat. Best of luck, A.
   — AA

March 13, 2005
What you are feeling is normal. I am 9 weeks out and I vividly remember feeling like you are will pass and soon you will be dropping inches. That will be such a motivating force! I stopped craving soda about 2 weeks ago and I can eat normally (albeit much, much less!) now...I feel normal and like I'm shrinking! This too shall pass...buck up, camper!
   — karenisahogfan

March 14, 2005
Sara, all is well and you are NORMAL. We all had feelings of depression at the begining. There is much going on inside of you right now. It is your body dejunking itself of the bad foods (like soda) that you ate prior to surgery and it is also the surgery itself, anisthetics and pain meds cause a depressing effect that can take a couple three weeks to purge from your system. Everyone has given you good IS NORMAL and will pass. Drink your water and protein supliments and be patient. We are pulling for you.
   — Terry C.

March 14, 2005
You will once again remember why you did this. In the meantime do not sabatoge yourself by giving into your brains cravings. I was very depressed and also convinced myself that being fat wasn't too bad at all. You will soon begin to notice the changes in your body from losing weight and will quickly remember why you made this decision. If the depression continues, there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking your doctor for a mild antidepressant until you feel more like yourself. I did and was able to go off after only 4 months. I now feel wonderful and thank God everyday for the second chance I got in life. Don't worry, you will too. I am eight months out today and have lost 132 lbs. Good lucks!!!
   — Faith B.

March 14, 2005
My first two weeks were AWFUL! Lots of pain, the drain was making me crazy! But once I passed the two week mark, I got better everyday, and quickly too. I had the "buyer's remorse" just about the time you had it. Eating is still a bit of a challenge for me, but I'm down 40 lbs...5 weeks out. I'm sleeping better than I had in years, my feet don't ache as much, and my blood pressure is normal. I feel fantastic, better than I had in years. Hang in there. It will get better very shortly.
   — Amy C.

March 14, 2005
Hi, I'm only one month post op. I have to tell you the firt three weeks were bad. I had buyer's remorse on a daily basis. I hated the protein shakes. They made me gag and my body seemed to be completely unable to tolerate them. I felt left out of my family's eating and didn't yet really see any results. On top of that I was in pain and felt generally sucky. I even hit a plateau at two weeks and was convinced the surgery had just not worked on me and that I had ruined my metabolism somehow. During the past week though, I have started feeling MUCH better. I am able to eat small amounts of regular foods. (I had to start sooner than most people because of the protein intolerance). I have lost 22 pounds and I can feel the difference in my clothes. I am sleeping better and I am not having the severe gastric problems I had had prior to surgery. Given, I still am feeling slightly nauseous after I eat, but generally things are looking up. Hang in there. I think a lot of times we don't really focus on the severity of this surgery or the recovery beforehand. In my support group, all I heard was the wonderful success stories. I don't think people are trying to deceive us. They just are past all this and they are very happy with their success. I think it's kind of like childbirth. You forget how bad the pain was and eventually remember mostly the good stuff. This too shall pass!!!!!!! Please don't despair. You will feel human again soon. Beatrice
   — Beatrice C.

March 15, 2005
I drink diet soda with artifical sugar. It makes it taste more like regular sugar pop, and it takes half or more of the fizz out. HOWEVER, you are very new post op. It probally is not good to try this now. But if you THINK you must have a diet pop, then CALL YOUR DOCTOR and ask if it is ok to SIP, not drink alot. With several artifical sugar pacs in pop, you really can get rid of most of the fiz. It is the carbonation you don't want. Especially as a new post op. PLEASE AVOID THE POP. But if you must, take care with it. And do ask your doc. You don't want to hurt your pouch.
   — Danmark

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