Have been approved for Bariatric Surgery Evaluation

Can anyone please tell me what does this mean. Do I have to prepare for this. I'm new to this. I'm a little nervous. Thanks    — marcetta (posted on July 24, 2005)

July 25, 2005
If you have been approved for EVALUATION that means you are starting the process to be a candiate for bariactric surgery. This can be a long process or not depends on who's program you are in. If you have been approved for SURGERY that means your surgery date has been set and approved by your ins. company. Hope this helps...Jan Camara
   — jani204

July 25, 2005
Hi, I agree with Janice. You might have some tests done to prove your eligibility for surgery. This might include a sleep study, psych evaluation and lab work. This will depend on your health history. Good luck in your journey.
   — monymony

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